Following that logic, if you aren't rich, then obviously God doesn't want you to be rich because of something you've done. Her entire philosophy can be summed up as "I've got mine, get your own or starve in a ditch" … 3.4k. I’m right there with you. A lot of nations are built on the ideal of opposing overt governmental rule. I agree in cost-cutting. That's right, y'all, I have been vaccinated! It takes a real stupid kind of life controlling fear to make someone think buying twenty bottles of hand sanitizer is a smart move. It's pulling 33 amps on the 30 ijoy mooch tested. 1 Ayn Rand and her books that provide moral justification for selfishness, while painting any sort of assistance as morally corrupt and somehow crippling to those in need. HELP! Like, when some people are spending $70k on wipes etc and then trying to sell them at 20 times the price it’s no wonder inequality is rampant. It’s been five days! The solution is already being enacted: Amazon, Kijiji and others are deleting the accounts of these opportunists. Fear is one of the strongest emotions in humans, the media knows this and latches on to make more money in digital views, ratings, and advertising. I'm due for my second shot at the end of the month. This thread between the two of you gives me hope for humanity. Michael Tomasky. Probably down to that Reddit thread which has been doing the rounds on a few websites. I bought coins just to give you both gold, because it's the best I can do to show a tiny bit of appreciation for both of you being amazing humans. A few of us got a text and I got mine after having a bit of a stinker at Newcastle away so I didn't expect it. In this case they seem to have activated a panic among others who might otherwise have meant well but feared for themselves and their loved ones. The vast majority of global aide and charity contributed globally comes from both the U.S and Canada, among others. You're joking right? I finally got mine after 6 pm EDT , Thank you DMK/GL , much appreciated, :) & finally found a picture of one, Thank's to a player that goes on Reddit. The “fuck you, I’ve got mine” mentality is holding back society overall and it needs to stop. God bless you both. So if you achieved something, it's not because you had a society of people behind you to allow you not to have to focus on basic survival, but nooo it's all your solo effort so why should you have to share the rewards? They literally care nothing for other people, other than to use them as a means to an end. In the moments after Friday night’s unsightly 119-99 loss in Denver, Isaiah Thomas stood against a wall in the dressing room and blamed the Celtics in sneakers. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. They don't grasp the importance of keeping humanity safe. Though it wasn't bad for me, I decided to get vaccinated anyways because… On Reddit it's because most of the posters are under 18 and live at home with their mum and da, and will think differently about the world once they're on the streets. Not Rick Reilly. I've got your back, and you've got mine. As a Sub-Reddit grows, the same large-group dynamic occurs and the content again shifts towards the more homogenous submissions. But at least you got to finger wag at a lot of people who are sick and angry at yet another instance of misogynistic AND racist violence that is being dismissed and minimized as a "bad day". Not Pat Riley. I got my head out of my ass and started caring about new things and getting involved in softball leagues and the like and started traveling more and getting myself out there. Please people don’t be stupid. You might see it as other people stealing from you but I don't I love my charmin. Last night my friends were telling me there have been updates since then, that Pfizer has a 15% failure rate so Fauci is saying "nope- contrary to popular belief, you still need to wear masks together. That “fuck you/got mine” mentality is … For example: some don't see the need to preserve environment because they don't mind our race. So, I’ve been poking round this subreddit for a few weeks. It’s this Walking Dead looting mentality meltdown. I'm not even American and know this statement is not true. They do fund for children because they have a better success rate. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Once you’re 18, there’s very limited funding. I’m pretty sure you can get it on Amazon or if you have a Books-a-million store that’s where I got mine! hangul langblr korean korean langblr south korea studyblr learn korean easy to learn korean vocabulary study korean 313k members in the shrooms community. I originally got mine to warm up and cool down my car for my commute to work, but stopped driving every day about two years ago when I got a job in the city I live in. People who rally against something that would help someone else because they wouldn't benefit from it. Don't be generalize. The perfect candidate for the Cincinnati Bearcats job is in fact Kenny from Holliston, the greatest first-time-caller, long-time-listener, I’ll-hang-up-and-listen guy in the history of Boston sports talk radio. I'll wait till someone is in need and share. By ditching this "sports mentality" that America consists of two "teams" and for one to win the other must lose and adopting a "there is only team and that's the American team" philosophy, thus realizing that when ANY American is "the loser" then it is OUR team (not some other team) that is suffering the loss. As did many nations out there that overturned government they didn't like. I’ve downloaded the two updates but still can’t get in. Man, with all the chaos of the past few days, it’s hard to see some positivity. Maybe a global implicit rule like "My needs are more important than those of others" I have this point of view: generally people don't see things with hindsight. See also: People who are against health insurance reform. There's always that 2-3% of people who are sociopaths and exploit situations. The only cutting that should be done is to health-care costs. For free. Anyways if you’re going to die do you really want your last days to be in fear? Press J to jump to the feed. Rand Paul’s ‘Screw you, I got Mine’ Mentality Rears its Ugly Head Again. Take what you need so that you give others what they need. Everyone is dealing with the same issues and some are dealing with more than you are. Comes with an individualistic worldview that you alone are responsible for your success. Let’s share this pack if you need some too!”. See also: People who were against credit card reform. Where’s the compassion? It's not an inherently American ideal. Always and forever . I've got a flight booked this weekend and wanna play something on the plane, and I'm between This War of Mine and Final Fantasy Tactics. that makes me soo happy to know these companies are taking action, i hope these sad fucks spent their life savings and go broke trying to sell that stuff off, it really is disgusting to try and take advantage like that. Id just rather not even though it's only a 1 second pull at over 120watts. I’ve only started writing a blog in the last couple of months, and there is still SO MUCH that I don’t understand and that goes over my head, so it’s nice to … Just got to my supermarket, hoping to make a salad for dinner, I guess I’ll go without! like if you’ve got $70k to spend on wipes, why not just give them out? It's hardly only Americans. Not Rick Pitino. Something to look out for when you get a new iPad Pro. You have to be selfish in a lot of way and not in others. I can help! Which of course is utter nonsense. Comes with an individualistic worldview that you alone are responsible for your success. I'm all for not living in a free country, and having the government enforce rationing in emergencies like this. They cut the funding right after I got mine. Hello all, I've been browsing this sub for some time now and love all the recommendations. I don't think the psychopaths are the ones panic-buying hygiene products cause they're pissing themselves. I don’t. The solution is, don’t to be panicky and stupid. That one takes an advanced degree to understand. It’s a vicious circle. You can have one, but at a massive premium.”. Or sell them at the price you bought them? At least in America it is because of a couple things. I felt bad buying two boxes, but yeah I don’t want to risk someone buying them because they can’t find toilet paper. I’ve really enjoyed it so far. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Plugged in USB-C cable and...nothing happens. Well technically my mom got … there are lots of places and organizations that will pay for your service dog! I've heard so many ppl in my life rant, "And according to the democrats I'm a racist! ℗ 2005 The Omni Corporation Released on: 2005-01-01 Reddit’s attempt to solve this problem are Sub-Reddits, which are just sub-categories, and categories fail to address the root of the cause and instead treats the symptom. I think the OP question is in regards to America's rejection of universal healthcare on the grounds of "fuck you, i've got mine" whereas most other 1st world countries fully support universal healthcare. Best thing for moral people like us: Do not buy marked up items anywhere! I don’t know what’s worse, feeling that you have to go and get something in a panic because you feel that it might not be there when you get there, or feeling like you have to fight someone because there’s an argument of who got it or saw it first. A place to discuss the growing, hunting, and experience of shrooms. Thu 15 Apr 2010 15.43 EDT. Awesome post to help people out! That just sounds like human nature in general. Side question: We were sharing articles here a couple of weeks ago "people who are vaccinated can hang out together without masks". though America scores high on individualism on the Geert Hofstede culture models, but then again the UK only has 2 points less. 2, Ideals from various sects of Christianity that link being rich with being somehow justified. Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Pinterest Reddit Print Mail Flipboard. It’s always great to hear how other bloggers got into it, it can be sooo overwhelming. Unplugged and plugged it in the other way...charges immediately. Im shocked at the balls some people have, to be selling the products out of their the parking lot of the store they hoarded from. The world is a cold dark place and people can and will take advantage of you if they think they can get away with it. Same mindset in other countries. I got mine through VA Dogs of texas. Accept that this is who we are as a species - imperfect. Nope, “fuck you, I’ve got mine. The key thing here is that a minority of people really are sociopaths. People hoarding running around in fear is making the situation worse. Why do so many people on Reddit generalize Americans as one group of people that think exactly alike when America is really one of the most diverse groups of people that think totally differently from one another? Why the “fuck you, I’ve got mine” attitude to pasta and TP? So individuals act depending their own interests not humanity interest. So scary. Exactly. The GOP’s $1,000 direct payments would go to fewer people — those earning up to $40,000 a year, or $80,000 for couples. It's not my mindset because I went to kindergarten. Sorry you got weirded the fuck out. What about countries like North Korea, Somalia, Sudan where the government screws all of their citizens for their own gain because "fuck 'em". Neither of these things should happen in today’s society. Basically, they’ve got theirs and don’t care about extending the benefits of universal health care to younger people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. That's the solution. Like why? Essentially it has been taught that riches only accumulate if God lets it, so if God lets you get rich, you obviously deserved it. Oh damn I should've been more specific. Until we loose the “I got Mine” mentality and start realizing our children and grandchildren don’t stand a “Snowball’s Chance in Hell” of achieving the American Dream or any type of meaningful existence, then we just might as well get used to standing in line for the Corporate “Feel-Good” handouts. I don’t get why the stores/amazon etc didn’t put a limit on how many you can buy at one time. That makes me feel that I have a responsibility towards society too. It’s so wild how savage people can be and inconsiderate. I don't think it's necessarily a 'I got mine' mindset, but just a distrust of governments getting too big, because some cultures just has a general dislike of big government being able to do the right thing on its own. I understand "screw you, I've got mine" at a gut level. Lack of social safety net. Making sure you got what you need, way before everyone else did. The common issue is a ....I’ve got mine and you should be like me. I've got a 26650 smpl mod I put it on most times.but running ss26 parallel in it right now so it's a little lower than I normally run. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! You’d be surprised at how many American born Hispanics even in Cali there are that have zero sympathy or empathy for Mexican/central American immigrants. Once people get angry, mob justice will be served. "Fuck You, I Got Mine". We will always need new checks and balances against opportunists who keep adapting. Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan Life And Death (And Almost Everything Else). Her entire philosophy can be summed up as "I've got mine, get your own or starve in a ditch" and is the blueprint for Republican economic policy. In case you didn't see, I had corona back in early December. I've been to 11 countries. I’m very good at keeping a decent amount of diapers/wipes for my son, but I slipped up on the wipes and only had a pack left. “So, while I’m a lawyer doing what I enjoy as my vocation, I’ve had a more fulfilling life, and sure, I’ve … What I'm totally fascinated with is "screw me, you've got mine". The puzzling ones always leave me with a negative impression of libertarians. It’s gotten out of hand at this point and I’m worried it might escalate I’ve already seen ppl getting into fights it’s ridiculous. You might have a hard time understanding it but I don't. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Partisan mainstream media, alongside shilling social media to keep the population divided. If you fall from your rung in the ladder it's a long way to the bottom. I had to run around to 5+ stores and eventually lead me to Amazon to buy their brand wipes at a normal price. How would you like it, if you became ill that your Dr or Nurse said “Fuck you, I’ve got mine”? I'll never get mine Man, with all the chaos of the past few days, it’s hard to see some positivity. And I still help out where I can, I'm just much more guarded about it. Look at how many of our movies over the past 60 - 70 years have idealized and romanticized the "lone individual" or the "underdog" who prevails in spite of overwhelming adversity. Why are you comparing 3rd world countries to the richest country? A post shared by Anshula Kapoor (@anshulakapoor) on Jun 25, 2020 at 4:56pm PDT. Some will even sell you gel that doesn't work if it would make them money. I couldn’t think about buying toilet paper at my store (not that i can anyway as it’s all gone) only because people would probably look at me and think “oh fuck, he’s one of the crazy ones!” And it’s like “nah, I’m actually low on Toilet paper! There is no reason why we should even be discussing cutting Medicaid or Medicare benefits. I've accumulated about $15 from Google Opinion Rewards recently, and may finally pull the trigger on it. I want to know where I can buy bulk rubbing alcohol and bulk alovera gel. Homeless, moms, etc. Only a matter of time before they get punched and/or robbed. I had a service dog as a child! Now, I primarily use the car starter for my dog. Because in my experience being nice and helpful to other people has led to nothing but me being mistreated. I've really lost a lot of faith in people over the past week. My apologies. Ah well a healthy balance can be struck here. Republicans have proposed an $618 billion alternative relief package. America revolted from the excess taxation from the Brits. No. Their own life lasts just a little time so they don't care what could happen after for humanity. When I did find out, I was over the moon. No. I hope you’re holding up ok, and I wish that the people around doing these things can only see that they are hurting everybody more than this virus probably ever will. I’m sure some people would just find a way to manipulate the system but it would still help. The media keeps pushing it’s fear mongering mentality the way it always has and always will. To be more specific, I got my first dose of Moderna. Got mine last week and wanted to charge it for the first time. Just someone who always had way more than needed. Bounty paper towels too. The Rich and Powerful account for roughly 1% of the US population, but you won't find any folk songs about them. I’ve had some good interactions and some that leave me puzzled. Congress allowed a 21% cut in payments, and now the percentage of doctors who won't see Medicare patients has gone from 8% to 13%.. All the people buying all of the TP, stockpiling foods etc? Where’s the empathy? I'm tempted to splash our a bit, mix them in a big bucket and then go out in my neighbourhood offering to refill people's little bottles. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. SHARES. “Install an automatic car starter, if possible. See also: People who were against the government allowing mortgage lenders to make changes to the loans of borrowers who were in danger of defaulting. Agreed, it’s sad that other people, external people or agencies, are needed to control this personal need to be above others when it comes to potatoes and toilet paper. In the case of most people in the developed world, the state (and by extension, society) educated them, cared for them at birth and then whenever they got ill, and generally provided a safe and secure environment to grow up in and be able to achieve something. 1 Ayn Rand and her books that provide moral justification for selfishness, while painting any sort of assistance as morally corrupt and somehow crippling to those in need. The ugly narcissism of the "I got mine" crowd. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. Part of an online community have a responsibility towards society too what they need you give others what need. I got mine ’ mentality Rears its ugly Head again media to keep the population divided life... But you wo n't find any folk songs about them had corona back in early.. ’ re going to die do you really want your last days to be in fear 2005-01-01 cut. 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