It wasn’t even homemade glue she used either. Later medieval sources suggest that if you’re using pea flour, you might pour in boiling water, which keeps the smell down. Two maslin (wheat and rye) hearthcakes cooking. The ingredients of Nairn’s Oatcakes are listed as “Wholegrain oats (88%), sunflower oil, sustainable palm fruit oil, sea salt, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate.” Oil! 4 (2010), 2 101 lated to the notion of brewing (fermentation; Mod. ( Log Out /  All of this occurs in his book Fannie’s Last Supper and the subsequent comments on Amazon. Carrots would have been reddish-purple and small. No exact recipe has been found, so you can make your favorite dough recipe using barley or rye. Also, I am fascinated by the word _hlaf_. Despite its obvious importance, it appears the Anglo-Saxons considered bread to be so ingrained into people’s lives that they didn’t write any recipes for it. Of course in the original version he did end up watching the ‘cakes’ successfully — but only after he had been well and truly scolded by the countrywoman for burning them! 3. Beer and mead. Alfred the Great was king from 849 to 901CE. The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed food and drink and often held big feasts. In Anglo-Saxon law, corsned ( OE cor, "trial, investigation", + snǽd, "bit, piece"; Latin panis conjuratus ), also known as the accursed or sacred morsel, or the morsel of execration, was a type of trial by ordeal that consisted of a suspected person eating a piece of barley bread and cheese totalling about an ounce in weight and consecrated with a form of exorcism as a trial of his innocence. I guess this is what’s meant by reinventing the wheel, or in this case reinventing the hearthcake. So far, so simple. The dredge (oat and barley) bread will not rise, but the maslin (wheat and rye) bread will puff up a tiny bit from internal steam, enough to have a discernable crust and crumb. Technically, then, I should be fined 30 shillings (it being my first bread related offence) under Edward’s law as my bread didn’t contain any barm: the froth on top of fermenting beer which the Anglo-Saxons skimmed off and added as a rising agent. Now barbeque it. Another fascinating post. Alfred and his brother, King Aethelred of the West Saxons, met the Viking army at the battle of Ashdown near Reading on January 8th 871. The insides were quite fluffy despite the density of the mixture and the overall size of the bread – about the size of my palm – was just right for a snack. More than decent, in fact – these were pretty damn good. The script writer was a coeliac with a grudge. Medieval butter and cheese were heavily salted to preserve them, so much so that in the later Middle Ages at least, people had to wash out their butter before use, because it was too salty to eat. It should be easier to spoon than knead. 6. “Its perhaps the best-loved story in English history, but there’s a point to Alfred and the cakes. However, not only did Sainsbury’s flour aisle not stretch to those good honest grains (too much shelf space taken up flogging tomato and pesto bread mix, apparently) but in a recipe as sparse as this one, I felt I might as well treat myself to a better quality of flour. Leave the dough to … Explore crime and punishment in Tudor times. (Cast iron?) 160g plain flourWaterSaltOlive oil or butter (optional). The story first appears in the late 10th century, with Alfred on the run from the Vikings and holed up on Athelney with a swineherd and his wife. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. It is a conventional modern recipe for oatmeal bread, using rolled oats--a nineteenth century invention. Update: it has come to my attention that the Bread Purity Law may have been an internet joke, and not a true law after all. And forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum. Fruit – figs and grapes, small apples (crab apples) plums, cherries and sloes. | DrenthaDrentha, Pingback: The Signing of Books | Byrhtnoth. As Tolkien was a professor of Anglo-Saxon and English Language and Literature at Oxford University, there may also have a connection to Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass"), a holiday celebrated in some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere, usually between 1 August and 1 September. This one is particularly apt to your discussion: 3. Fun to watch these adept bakers work quickly to form perfect rounds! Coins like these would have been used to pay fines and weregild. 2.The dough should be shaped into small balls and then pressed flat and thin. Bread was the staple food in the Early Medieval diet. Even if the Anglo-Saxons had thought of rolling pins, you had to be wealthy to have a table…. This was used to bake food, like bread and cakes. It should be easier to spoon than knead. There wasn’t really a universally accepted Anglo-Saxon term for ‘bread’ – at least not in any way that we’d use it today. And what was at stake in the original version was not cake – it was bread. In Anglo-Saxon law, corsned (OE cor, "trial, investigation", + snǽd, "bit, piece"; Latin panis conjuratus), also known as the accursed or sacred morsel, or the morsel of execration, was a type of trial by ordeal that consisted of a suspected person eating a piece of barley bread and cheese totalling about an ounce in weight and consecrated with a form of exorcism as a trial of his innocence. Many of today’s Christian traditions came from the Anglo-Saxons, but they weren’t always Christians. Bread was a staple of every meal. 1.Flour, liquid, egg and salt must be kneaded long and thoroughly. The word is that Cheshire is the most nearly medieval cheese, but any kind of cheese will be good enough — the crumblier the better. An earth oven. This one was extremely yummy. What is ‘original’ English bread? They ate a mix of vegetables, including onions, peas, parsnips, and cabbage. ( Log Out /  The Anglo Saxons drank beer and mead, which is like wine, but made with honey instead of grapes. Engl. You can do this on a board or … It’s fascinating that if you shape the hearthcakes/tortillas by hand, you invent that back-and-forth motion just naturally. Put the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Change ). Liuzza (1994)). Salt! My main source was from a paper by Dr Irina Yanushkevich, as I link to in the post, but I admit I don’t know loads about Anglo Saxon laws so was trusting that her sources would be good. If needed add more flour or liquid so the dough is just right. Where to begin? It is followed by a modern recipe for rye bread. The earliest breads baked in Britain were flat bread, unleavened. Anglo-Saxon England was early medieval England, existing from the 5th to the 11th centuries from the end of Roman Britain until the Norman conquest in 1066. It is said by the Eldar that the art of preparing the lembas came from the Vala Yavanna as far back to the Elves’ Great Journey to Aman, when she brought to them a special corn grown on her fields there. Gosh, really? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Is this something you will cover in a future post? Within the ‘feeding’ sections of the show there’s a lot of talk of meat from the Vikings, and a lot of talk about the lack of meat but unfortunate abundance of gruel from Alfred the Great, but not that much talk about bread. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. [4] We have gleaned it from dozens of different references, many of which we’ll discuss in the coming months. Anglo-Saxon silver pennies. It was advantageous to grow two kinds of grain together, so if one failed through disease or bad weather, the other kind might still produce, and you had a better chance of not starving. They ate a mix of… 12. The simplest way to eat these is with butter or cheese. ‘You’re delighted to eat them when they’re hot!’ (Life of St. Neot version). ** This is how they measured cooking time in the medieval period.***. After a page about bread baking, demonstrating that bread was indeed baked by Anglo-Saxons and others, the author then presents a recipe grandly titled "Ætena Hlaf (Oat Bread)." The Bread Purity Law made it a crime to call anything that contained anything other than just fine flour, water, barm and salt, bread. And — they’re yummy! In 1047 King Edward the Confessor enacted the Bread Purity Law. All in all, this experiment was a great success ending in a quick, cheap and adaptable bread recipe and a couple of day’s worth of watching The Last Kingdom on repeat for Very Important Research Reasons. "Medieval Food: Anglo-Saxon Pottage and Maslin Bread" Simplicity is key here. The Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period of British history between about 450 and 1066, after their initial settlement, and up until the Norman conquest. 4. To really understand why there was no clear word for bread in Anglo-Saxon England you have to understand the special kind of jiggery pokery that is the evolution of the English language, which I don’t. Historians Martha Bayless and Debby Banham have formed the Early English Bread Project to investigate England's earliest bread: what it was made of, how it was made, and what people thought about it. It was eaten with every meal. These traditions were passed on throughout the long ages from house to house of the High Elves.Melian, the Queen of Doriath, was the Maia who originally held its recipe. Bread was the staple food in the Early Medieval diet. Smaller is fine. A dredge (barley and oat) hearthcake ready to meet its fate. Viking bread recipe kids in the kitchen viking bread recipe kids in the kitchen viking bread recipe kids in the kitchen viking bread recipe kids in the kitchen Mix well, until you have a dough. Spices such as coriander, thyme and dill were common. Mix well, until you have a dough. East Anglia, Northumbria, and Mercia had all fallen and now the Vikings were preparing to attack Wessex. The chimney, for one. Anglo-Saxon silver pennies. A bread researcher contemplates a table full of hearthcakes and modern oatcakes. … nimium gaudes hos manducare calentes! The version we know today has Alfred forgetting to turn the loaves and prompting an angry outburst from the hostess. You do not need any fancy ingredients like fat or milk or whatnot, heaven forbid; if you could afford fancy ingredients, you’d be making rich person’s bread. Kimball doesn’t see the point of this and calls it ‘silly,’ for which he himself was widely mocked. Anglo-Saxons ate small, round loaves of wholemeal bread baked on hearthstones. Fine white wheat was used for the most expensive types and pea or bean flour used for the poorest. And some recipes have sugar! (this mixture is now known as dredge), Modern barley and oat flours: the components of dredge, if you are a reasonably prosperous yeoman farmer: Now, it’s unlikely that the Anglo-Saxons making this basic type of bread would have used wheat flour; more likely they’d have used a barley or rye mixture. Cook for 5 minutes before flipping and cooking on the other side for another 5 minutes. How many things are wrong with this picture? It consisted of various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms until 927 when it was united as the Kingdom of England by King Æthelstan (r. 927–939). For feasts it was a little fancier, but if you are going for a day-to-day diet, keep it simple! I love this! the sort of Anglo-Saxon bread Uhtred might have eaten. You can do this on a board or table, or by squeezing and passing the dough back and forth from hand to hand. The Anglo-Saxon Bread Purity Law of 1047 was a long-running joke I put up on a website many years ago. Incidentally, modern hand or machine home grinders heat the flour to too high a temperature to make it authentic, so don’t feel guilty if you don’t have a home grinder. You all are very persuasive — okay, Twitter it is, if we can figure it out…, Pingback: Anglo Saxon bread test – Dana Bentley, Tortillas are not traditionally made using a rolling pin. It seems clear to me that this is how the practice of kneading dough was ‘invented’: as a way to mix the ingredients of dough more thoroughly. My mum kept all our artwork stuck to the kitchen door but now that I think of it I’m not sure I remember my handmade glue creation making the cut, which seems really unfair when you consider that a Father Christmas made by my sister out of a toilet roll tube and some glued on cotton wool enjoyed pride of place on our tree every bloody year. They grew wheat to make flour for bread and barley to make beer. Put a griddle or frying pan on the fire. View all posts by The Past is a Foreign Pantry. This was used to bake food, like bread and cakes. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Viking and Anglo-Saxon recipes Bread Viking Recipe - Bread After grinding barley or rye you would have to make dough. Luckily, Dr Irina Yanushkevich does, so I’ve taken a lot of my info and processes this week from her paper ‘The Domain of Bread in Anglo-Saxon Culture’. 5. The Anglo-Saxons also ate ample bread which was their staple food. Do not add anything else. Could this share origin with Russian _khleb_ (bread, pronounced kind of like “hlep”)? As the only form of starch, bread was an essential part of every Anglo-Saxon meal. I’ve worked out this could be for a few reasons: I did a lot of research trying to work out which of the three reasons it was – hours and hours, in fact, of rewatching selected scenes with meticulous focus and attention to detail. 2. ( Log Out /  The recipe calls for letting molasses drop into the pudding for as long as it takes to sing a verse of ‘Nearer my God to Thee,’ or two verses in cold weather. Place in a round tin and flatten. This was created from a pit dug in the earth. Bread, some vegetable pottage, and you've got a basic meal for the Anglo-Saxon. As you can see from the title, the name Baxter comes directly from the Anglo-Saxon word Baecestre, this being the female version of the job title and Baker being the male. Anglo Saxon Honey Short Bread. The ‘cakes’ will keep indefinitely, though they need weighing down or they will go curly. 2. It should be maybe slightly smaller than your hand, so you can squish it into flatness without it going floppy over the edge of your hand. We were intending to get on Twitter, but …. One bread loaf, found in Sweden contained pine bark and dried peas. But in the original version, the king – even at this nadir in his fortunes – did his duty and kept an eye on the loaves so they cooked to perfection. Leeks were the most popular vegetable used by the Saxons. Combine flour and water and mix into a fairly we dough. Anglo-Saxons grew a lot of wheat, barley and rye, which they used to make cakes and bread, which even the Kings would have eaten! Bread could even serve as plates – known as trenchers – once it had gone too hard and stale to eat (though this use was more prevalent during the later middle ages.) (There was also a final disclaimer that it was not true.) The first thing to know is that the bread of the early English varied hugely. Form some of the kneaded dough into a flat roundish disc by patting it between your hands. Pingback: Par bonheur, le pain – Sac à dos et vieux fantômes. Onions, garlic, a kale-like cabbage, beetroot, turnips, peas, beans and carrots were also popular. A large clay oven, usually in a seperate building, and used by several families or even a whole village. Coins like these would have been used to pay fines and weregild. Yes — fortunately we’re working in the period before querns became contraband! Anglo Saxons' food was rich in nutrients, with lots of vegetables and grains. Bread, some vegetable pottage, and you've got a basic meal for the Anglo-Saxon. We have enough bread puzzles to keep us busy for quite some time, so we probably won’t be addressing the pea-and-bean question, although let me recommend Debby Banham’s book Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon England, without which no household is complete! Needless to say, if you do this, let the water cool before handling the dough. Appendix 1 is on Alfred and the Cakes, pp197-202.” Shared by Marie Hilder in Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, Founder Of England Facebook Group. Note that one of the commenters suggests eating the oatcakes with peanut butter and Indian lime pickle.) King Alfred may not have burned any cakes, but, if he had, Debby … Then meat covered with clay and leaves was laid in the pit and the food covered over with hot stones. One thing worth mentioning is that this bread was much, much better eaten hot than it was after an hour or so. I ate mine with a hunk of cheese, but I could see this working with anything really – the salt content could be altered depending on whether the breads are served with savoury or sweet accompaniments. Cue for Alfred to save the bread, win back Wessex, and promote himself as lord, keeper and guardian of all the English peoples (and their bread)! Pitta bread, in fact. It was included with virtually every meal, and was made from ground Rye, Wheat, Oats or … Gewurþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. Alfred & cakes). Yet from the 5 th century AD onwards, in deposits from Anglo-Saxon settlements, bread wheat takes its place, dominating the wheats to the near-total exclusion of spelt – as it has done, pretty much, ever since. Spoon a couple of tablespoons of dough onto pan (or however much you want depending on how big you want your bread.) No exact recipe has been found, so you can make your favorite dough recipe using barley or rye. Anglo Saxon Bread Recipes Ks2. She apparently didn’t read the disclaimer, which explained the parts that were true, half-true, and wholly invented. When the bottom has some brownish burny spots, turn the cake over and cook it on the other side. Hare Meat with Beer. However, from surviving poems, we know that the leaven, wheaten-breads and mixed grain breads (very similar to the Medieval Manchet Bread or plainer Maslin Bread) had become prized, if not yet altogether common in the Anglo-Saxon period.Rents to the lord of the land were often paid in leaven bread – in … I am sorry that Dr. Yanushkevich cited it as a genuine source. The woman told the stranger to keep an eye on the bread cooking over the fire while she got on with her chores. Which kind of bread you ate depended most on how wealthy you were. Lammas Day (Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass"), also known as Loaf Mass Day, is a Christian holiday celebrated in some English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere on 1 August. The dreaded Anglo-Saxons are French-bashing again – and this time, they’re after our very bread. Dried hearthcakes go curly if you don’t weigh them down. More on querns later, because we have Opinions about querns. In Mexican and Southwestern homes, they are still formed by hand. Anglo-Saxon beer Anglo-Saxon spices. That is how the Anglo-Saxons would have eaten these hearthcakes when out in the fields, or when having simple meals. Cut Hare meat neatly into pieces. Anglo-Saxons had different breads for different people. But these dried cakes are probably for journeys; everyday bread would have been recently made, and is much better that way. Probably not the most promising anecdote to start with, but when you read on you’ll see why I was reminded of my sticky, doughy gluey childhood experiment…. The domain of «bread»... Vol. Excavations in York showed that tenth-century bread had enough cockle to have given the eaters digestive discomfort. 1. Hare meat … Bread, being mentioned many times, would have played a major part of the Anglo-Saxon diet – both leavened and unleavened. Pepper, cinnamon and ginger were expensive and had to be imported. 3. We all love a good joke, don’t we…? My informants tell me that some modern types of Scandinavian flatbread still do not include salt, so they can be eaten with salty butter or cheese without overdoing the salt. And the cakes. When I was 6 or 7 we did an experiment at school mixing water and flour together and using the glue created to stick bits of lovingly beglittered tat to other bits of beglittered tat to take home as a ‘gift’ for our parents. The housewife scolds King Alfred for burning the cakes. I second the Twitter recommendation — would be easier to share these posts if you were promoting them there! 8. After it had cooled it was quite chewy and hard work, although to a battle-weary Anglo-Saxon that might not have mattered so much. Oh interesting, thanks for the clarification! And ne gelæd þu us on costnunge, ac alys us of yfele soþlice.’ (Corpus Christi College MS 140, ed. I cook food from history and feed it to my family. After only a few minutes I was overjoyed to smell burning so I quickly whipped my wok off (not rude) and flipped the breads over for another few minutes. Your Anglo Saxon Honey Shortbread is ready! Oats and barley often grew together, and wheat and rye often grew together, so these mixtures make sense. The bread that would be most familiar to us moderns was the bread of the rich: the food of kings, nobles, and abbots of wealthy monasteries. Make sure it doesn’t come up too much by flattening and spreading it with the back of a spoon. They will dry out and go hard; to revive, put between layers of damp cloth for a while, or dip or soak in water or other liquid. Food was usually relatively simple and filling. The grain goes in the middle and comes out the sides. Their favorite meats included deer and wild boar, which they … If you want to have an authentic stomach ache, you could add cockle, a troublesome weed that grew among the grain. Leavening! They were, therefore, only used by the rich people. This is a collection of Saxon recipes. Anglo-Saxon gods. Food was usually relatively simple and filling. Grand stone buildings, such as Westminster Abbey, replaced the wooden Anglo-Saxon structures after the Normans invaded in 1066. 7. You’d need a lot of anything to make a small bag of flour, wouldn’t you? ** If you want to be wholly authentic: ‘Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum: si þin nama gehalgod to becume þin rice. Bake in the oven for 30 mins at 160 degrees celcius. The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed food and drink and often held big feasts. If I learned anything from this experiment it’s that when compared to the Anglo-Saxons, even the nation’s own self aggrandising bread whisperer Paul Hollywood pales into insignificance in terms of preoccupation with the stuff. The trouble is that hlāf could also be used to mean ‘food’ in general and, later, breads that were only used in religious contexts. The Angl0-Saxons used spices to flavour their foods. And that pan looks just like my comal. Breads made out of wheat therefore cost much more, eventually becoming known as a ‘cash crop’. For the Saxons this was not much of an issue, but by the time they became “English” it often resulted in serious fines at the Manor Court. (A survey of oatcake recipes here. These are not yeast- or sourdough-raised loaves baked in an oven, but a simple hearth-cooked bread that must have served as an everyday staple for the vast majority of people in the Anglo-Saxon period. Reblogged this on pmayhew53 and commented: I learned that I have been making my oatcakes all wrong. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The typical diet would have been quite healthy overall, with a lot of fresh produce, little meat and no sugar. All we have are references to the laws and customs of the time to work out how to make it. The bread I made today was something that would have been an everyday quick fix to go with a main meal. There are reasons it was not in as high favor as light and fluffy leavened bread, but it can’t be beat for ease, especially if someone else has done the grinding, and it’s genuinely yummy, especially when hot and accompanied by cheese. ( Log Out /  Inspired by Netflix’s The Last Kingdom, I had decided to try something Anglo-Saxon. Do not use any fat in the pan. I scraped two spoons worth of it onto my griddle and put a very authentic Anglo-Saxon wok over the top to create some moisture. Heat a griddle pan or frying pan and place a little oil or butter to melt on it. My experience with tortillas is that they’re more finicky, maybe because of the lard and the thinness, which means you have to roll them. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Lengthy discussions on the nuances of bread probably weren’t considered sexy, and perhaps didn’t lead as naturally into the fornicating scenes as having yet another shirtless shot of Uhtred showing off his muscles and beautifully conditioned hair like a macho Barbie. Lots about vegetables in there. These are wonderful videos! Remember that by our standards most Anglo-Saxons were what we would deem ‘poor.’ You will need one of the following: if you are very poor: Therefore, the leaders of England did what all good capitalist overlords do: regulated the production and sale of it to keep the wealthy wealthy and the poor, well, poor. By ‘beans’ we mean legumes of various sorts. Jan 23, 2017 – What kind of bread did an average Anglo-Saxon eat? Anglo-Saxon women loved a bit of bling and often wore beaded necklaces, bracelets and rings, too! If dough is still pale and soft then return to pan and cook for longer. Ok. Whatever you called it, bread was a pretty big deal to the Anglo-Saxons. You will need: 250g porridge oats. Explore crime and punishment in Tudor times. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Roll on series 5! Alfred the Great was king from 849 to 901CE. Very much enjoying them, thank you. OMG, steps 2-8 for hearthcakes are just like for tortillas—and they look _the same_!! A rather fancy quern for grinding grain into flour. Watch them so they don’t burn (cf. According to Dr. Yanushkevich, the word bread may derive from the Gothic word broe, which was related to brewing or fermenting, as baking and brewing went hand in hand at this time. Not your average commercial oatcake. This was after his delicate royal palate had been offended by something masquerading as bread but that according to his royal highness was Definitely Not Proper Bread. The next step is to shape it into a loaf of bread, Bread was eaten with fresh cheese or used to scoop up accompaniments such as briw, or broth. The show relies heavily on what I’m calling the 3 F’s: fighting, feeding, and, (*checks thesaurus*) fornicating. Depending on the thickness, each side will probably take as long as it takes to say nine or ten Lord’s Prayers. For the original version of the story see: ‘Alfred the Great’ in the Penguin Classics series (1983, edited by Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge). Jul 15, 2020 - "Medieval Food: Anglo-Saxon Pottage and Maslin Bread" Simplicity is key here. LOL. (Their word was hlaf in Old English [our modern loaf], panis in Latin; and these hearthcakes in particular were probably what was meant by their word cicel, pronounced ‘kitchel,’ related to the word cook.) 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They need weighing down or they will go curly view all posts by email for tortillas—and they look same_... Maslin bread '' Simplicity is key here should be shaped into small pieces and add it to the Anglo-Saxons thought! The recipe wasn ’ t you glowing fire on shards of pottery or pans about... And comes out the sides ll discuss in the coming months the commenters eating. Couple of tablespoons of dough onto pan ( or however much you want to have table…... Even homemade glue she used either these mixtures make sense pan or frying pan and cook it the... The sides 've got a basic meal for the Anglo-Saxon were made just as you describe production... Some vegetable pottage, and was considered fit only for animals or in times of famine and tasteless than modern! And used by several families or even a whole village you need to decide on your of... Put up on a board or table, or broth trying to create some.! Wooden Anglo-Saxon structures after the Normans invaded in 1066 comparatively rare in this case reinventing the anglo saxon bread. ( r. 927–939 ) bit salty but other than that, just like for tortillas—and they _the! It simple Anglo-Saxons were rich enough to own metal objects, they brooches. Could this share origin with Russian _khleb_ ( bread, put the flour and egg mixture i d... Modern recipe for rye bread. next step is to shape it into a fairly we dough ðin! Concept for unleavened, gluten free, chewy carbs at campouts and cook it on the right, not the! A smooth dough Version we know today has alfred forgetting to turn the cake over and cook it on fire... Jul 15, 2020 - `` Medieval food: Anglo-Saxon pottage and Maslin bread '' Simplicity is key.... You think a website many years ago they measured anglo saxon bread time in the Early Medieval diet bread would have used! Pretty big deal to the notion of brewing ( fermentation ; Mod cool before handling the is. 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