Change ). Remember, your goal should be to be as helpful to as many people as possible. Do you have any other useful examples of Face in China? Through no fault of her own, she is constantly blamed for her manager’s failings and shortsightedness. ( Log Out /  Sometimes giving Face to a contact entails simply words and compliments, though sometimes gifts are required and invitations to dinners, entertainment, or other social events. In what situations should Face be given? The next year I lived in a different city and was invited to a similar event. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Sean is a business and communications professional based out of Hong Kong, China. This has the potential to wreck business deals and sour relationships, so with regard to the issue of Face, most Chinese businesspeople tread with care. Failure to understand face may result in awkward situations and burned bridges. While it does take a a lot of work and study to learn it all, it’s not as if the Chinese go to an effort to hide knowledge of their culture from citizens of other countries. Losing face in Chinese culture is about more than being embarrassed. First of all, foreigners are not always expected to adhere to the same exacting standards of respect and prestige as locals in China are. One of the worst things that can happen to someone in Chinese culture is to “lose” face. There was a team made up of teenage students, a team of foreign English teachers, a parents team, and a team of Chinese teachers. Job seekers are also eager to show employers that they will be valuable assets, but not valuable enough to replace their bosses. A tranquil pond, hidden away in the heart of the city. I have also noticed first and second germination kids hold strongly to their “Face culture” even in cultures that are not Chinese. When Chinese businesspeople build relationships with one another, Face is very important. When you lose face it means your ability to function as part of the social order has been damaged. Through being berated daily in front of her coworkers, the young woman continuously feels she is losing Face. Thanks for commenting Neal. I Feel like this is a useful article to relate to Chinese people in general not just those from china itself haha. See also: lose, to. To the Chinese, there is a natural order in society as well as business, and if one is unwilling or unable to show the proper amount of Face to those that feel they deserve it, then one will likely be judged to not have good character. many of your points still apply to the western world, albeit to a lesser degree. Not only are leaders and managers placed on a higher pedestal, but the distinction between different levels of management is much clearer and more important. At the end of nine months of military standoff with the Indian Army in eastern Ladakh, China has only lost face and earned a bad name, said Lt Gen YK Joshi, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Army’s Northern Command. After calling face “that hollow thing which men in China live by” (1936:191) and giving a long list of examples of how consideration of face leads to absurdities, he closes his discussion of the matter by saying: “When face is lost at the law courts, then we will have justice. Actions or words that are disrespectful may cause somebody to “lose face” while gifts, awards and other respect-giving actions may “give face”. These actions would then further compound the loss of Face. When it was my turn to carry the egg in the relay, I had a chance to pass the professor who was in the lead. In China, a important thing is the concept of face (mien tzi). Something as simple as this can be a crucial factor that can land important business deals, and lead to rewarding friendships that will last a lifetime. Navigate Chinese society and avoid embarrassing yourself and others by learning: You’ll also understand the importance of face for Chinese job seekers, for forming solid friendships, and for managing family relationships. on Gaining and Losing Face in China. The Frog in the Well – Bridging The Cultural Gap, Follow The China Culture Corner on 'Face' or 'mianzi' is a often misunderstood human characteristic, which plays an important role in China. The anticipated opportunities were the result of China’s leadership in facial recognition tech, coupled with its liberal policies and consumer attitudes towards the privacy. It must’ve been difficult for a foreigner to know so much insider information. I noticed that the students were not moving as fast as they could. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Don’t mind me just a friendly passer by Xd Xd : ), Impressive! For example, what actions will cause someone to gain or lose Face? The other teams vied for second place in awkward silence. In China, company hierarchy is much more important than in many Western countries. Definition of lose face in the Idioms Dictionary. I’ve definitely experienced the same problem. Unfortunately, we didn’t notice the lack of excitement until after we crossed the finish line. Please feel free to post your thoughts in the comments section below. Chinese game shows and sporting events often go to what seem like extreme efforts to avoid having losers, or to keep the losers from feeling shamed or embarrassed. Did You Know You Can Use Yoyo Chinese Like a Mobile App? The student explained that we weren’t supposed to be good at using chopsticks, because that was a Chinese skill. When our team of foreigners won by such a large margin, we disrupted social harmony in the worst way. But here we are at another longitude: according to the Chinese code the vice president Yu made me lose face: – O. Let’s make it clear: make a mistake – and then losing face – in my opinion (and cultural background) it’s the most important step on the continuous learning process we call “life”. If you can be gracious and humble in China, all kinds of doors will be open to you, even as a foreigner. I was placed on a team of foreigners once again, and there was another chopstick relay race. It’s vital to know what underpins all of their day to day actions otherwise you walk into a bees nest and you are left dazzled for no apparent reason! If they're grimacing after every sip, join them in a "whiskey face." It’s well written and covers an amazingly important principle. When Chinese job seekers are interviewed for a position, employers will not tell them at the interview that they did not get the job. Based upon one’s position relative to someone else, several different actions can be employed to either cause a loss or gain of Face. Through his mastery of the Chinese language and culture, as well as his empathy and understanding towards the Chinese point of view, he advises Chinese companies on successfully going global. In the following article key points of Face will be discussed along with examples of gaining face and losing face. Click here to Log in, What Does Losing Face Mean? Many Chinese leaders and managers expect respect from their subordinates and in many cases expect to be obeyed without question, no matter the rationality or fairness behind a request. The Importance of Face in Chinese Culture. Most Westerners who are planning to China for business have almost certainly heard of the concept of “Face,” or Miàn Zi (面子). 6 Awesome Authentic Chinese Foods You Need to Know About. See also save face. A Chinese idiom goes, “Men can’t live without face, trees can’t live without bark.” Accordingly, after having lived in China for a while, you will start to notice the ways that Chinese people go out of their way to save face for each other. For example, giving someone Face (e.g. Chiang Kaishek lost face to Mao, so did all the Shanghai opium mafia, and in the Chinese way, those Chinese on the mainland and on Taiwan who grew poppies, processed opium and heroin, and worked for Chiang Kaishek's opium mafia worldwide still want revenge on the communists for kicking their opium-loving asses out of China. Interning in China or studying abroad is definitely a good way to quickly come to grips with the bare bones of the concept. The result is that the child is accepted at a prestigious foreign university. Only this time we were carrying hard-boiled eggs. How Confucius loses face in China’s new surveillance regime. Chinese 'Bakugai' on Spending Craze in Japan | The World of Chinese, Downstairs Neighbor Visits on Thanksgiving | Musings Abroad, Les pressions sociales des jeunes chinois dans la Chine contemporaine. JASON MCBRIDE learned Chinese while serving as a missionary in Taiwan for two years. Disengagement in Ladakh: With Unmet Objectives, It is Aggressor China That Has Lost Face. Saving face. The severe consequences of losing face make many Chinese strive to save face, for themselves and others. We didn’t win the race, but instead we had done something more important; we had shown we understood the rules of face. Yeah man! Most Anglo-Chinese borrowings are nouns (Yuan 1981:250), with a few exceptions such as to kowtow, to Shanghai, to brainwash, and lose face. Everyone in the activity was split into different groups. If you have spent any time around Chinese culture, you have come across the idea of “losing face", or diū liǎn (丢脸). But none of the parents or Chinese teachers would even look in our direction. After the race, some of the students congratulated us. ( Log Out /  However, when the issue of Face cannot be avoided, there are several things that should be kept in mind: While it’s true that some Westerners protest that they won’t “play the game” while in China, it is important to remember that when you are in someone’s house it’s only polite to play by their rules, or you may be asked to leave. This basically means one’s reputation, and it goes for all social circles – family, friends, business, and society at large. While giving face is always important, don’t forget to develop the relationship over the long-term. The concept of saving face is incredibly important in China, and it can be quite frustrating for foreigners. In Chinese culture, you spend your entire life trying to build your social prestige and reputation, while also trying to avoid causing anyone else to lose theirs. After embarrassing our hosts, we were never invited back to any extra curricular activities with our students. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Liu Xiaobo wins Nobel: China loses face with boycott of peace prize Despite its bullying behaviour, the country has become freer, argues Peter Foster. Indeed, survival in a Chinese company depends on knowing one’s place, and Face plays a very important role in facilitating that function. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A student finally told us that we had caused the adults to lose face by not just winning, but also by defeating them by such a large margin. At the very least, small gestures of respect are easy and go a long way toward demonstrating that you understand the importance of Face (and are willing to make an effort to understand Chinese culture) and that you are committed to a long-term relationship with the Chinese. lose face phrase. Why do non-Chinese people feel that Chinese is difficult to learn? "Losing face" and "saving face" are ideas often used in Western cultures. © 2020 Yoyo Chinese Inc. All Rights Reserved. This can be observed by the Chinese … Soon, all the good-natured laughter had stopped. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, file) Released on Friday, the Zao app went viral as Chinese users pounced on the chance to see themselves act out scenes from well-known … The untrained observer might miss the importance of face in different social situations. The next item on his bucket list is to visit a dinosaur dig in China. I guess, as a Chinese, what's confusing to English speakers is that there are two Chinese translation candidates if you translate "losing face" back to Chinese: 1) 丢脸 or 2)没面子。. English face meaning "prestige; honor" is the only case of a Chinese semantic loan. Dec. 13, 2010. After the first two switches, we knew that our team of foreigners was going to win by a long distance. One of the last races required the teams to use chopsticks to carry a ping-pong ball across the finish line. A Chinese mother makes many efforts to give her child the opportunity for a good education, both through financial and emotional support. Here’s a personal example: A local youth group invited a few English teachers to participate in a series of games to celebrate the end of the term. He also studied in Shanghai as part of an exchange program while in law school. Learn how your comment data is processed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The other teams laughed at the idea of us foreigners even having a chance to win at the event. In the following article key points of Face will be discussed along with examples of gaining face and losing face. I followed suit and came in just behind the professor. Their reputations as the source of Chinese cultural value was tarnished because we beat them at a particularly Chinese contest of skill. Westerners can easily misinterpret the idea of face as Chinese people simply being too sensitive or thin skinned. Beating the Grass and Startling the Snake – IPR in China, Tips For Communicating With The Chinese, Part 2. But Chinese culture brings face to a whole new complicated level. You can gain face if you are praised by your boss, or if you accomplish a difficult task at work. Face is a deeply rooted concept in Chinese culture and a person’s reputation and prestige with multiple spheres such as family, workplace, personal friends, and the entire society depends on it. 8 years ago. Chinese Insults: How to Name-Call Like a Pro (Part 1), Chinese Holidays and Traditional Festivals in 2021, Why is 'face' so important in Chinese culture. ( Log Out /  But it was only after a few painful experiences that I finally grasped how the fear of losing face underlies every social interaction for most Chinese people. China Lose Face Fat, China Lose Face Fat Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Lose Face Fat Products at face sheild,face roller,face recognition from China He has worked for Chinese companies for the majority of his career, including well-known smartphone and technology firms. The “community view” pertains to the amount of respect individuals feel necessary to give to someone else based upon that person’s position or statuses, such as in business, the family unit or within a group of friends. Foreigners will have more friends and have better luck in business if they learn to show humility in public and to allow others to save face in awkward situations and business deals. In some cases, these actions might occur unintentionally or instead be used as a tactic to achieve a specific result. Coronavirus Update #4: Is the World Ready? You have lost influence and injured your reputation. Have you ever been in a similar situation? But during one event, everything quickly changed. I was less interested in winning and more concerned with preserving relationships this time around. We showed up the teachers and parents in front of their students and children. | Rencontre Interculturelle Chine, Class 3 – August 3, 2014 | interculturalincolombia, Talking TikTok: Reflecting on Resignations & Executive Responsibilities, Why “Dual-Culture Management” is Important in China, COVID-19 Update #5: My Hong Kong Hotel Quarantine, Revisiting Xi’an: Old Memories & New Experiences. Giving the same amount of respect to older and younger aunts or uncles might be viewed as a serious breach of etiquette. Listed below are several specific examples of how giving and losing Face plays out in everyday life and business in China. While cities such as San Francisco and Portland have banned the use of facial recognition, the technology has flourished in China with numerous marketing applications. This would cause the employee to lose face. Coronavirus Update #3: China is Fighting the Outbreak, 27 Idioms For More Effective Communication with the Chinese, Tips For Communicating With The Chinese, Part 1. Not having face (没面子): Not having a good reputation or having bad social standing. China watchers claimed that when a Chinese company was locked out of the takeover of Rio Tinto, the Government had lost face. Face plays a very important role in facilitating that function. In the following article, several of the basic points surrounding Face will be explained, which all Westerners need to be familiar with to succeed in China. Bending the truth seems common in China, however, pointing out that someone is lying or embellishing details will definitely cause them to lose face. It’s certainly hard for many non-Chinese to wrap their head’s around before actually experiencing Face in everyday life in China (myself included). Beijing failed to go public with the true scale of the pandemic, hampering other nations’ ability to respond in time. By The International Herald Tribune. Even after understanding the basic mechanics and uses of Face, it can be difficult to understand how the concept actually works in practice. Unfortunately many have been unscrupulous. However, it can be difficult for Westerners to understand the specific rules relating to Face in China, as well as the different contexts where it should be used. Are Relationships Predestined? Not only do the parents feel proud of their child’s achievements but also feel that they have gained Face through the child’s achievement. Face can also be saved up over time and used to accomplish things later on. It … On one hand, relationships in China are built and maintained by giving Face and increasing the prestige of one’s friends and contacts. The arrest in China of … To “lose face” (丢面子 – diū … Questioning someone’s  ideas or opinion in a public setting would cause that person to lose face.”. The emergence of China to greater prominence is a moment of great potential and human achievement. Among the English words of Chinese origin, lose face is an uncommon verb phrase and a unique semantic loan translation. "losing face" is more like "feeling humiliated" or "not getting the respect you deserve". Beijing (CNN)For the first time in 20 years, China has lost a world math championship to the United States -- and many in the world's most populous nation seem happy about it. Face is deeply rooted in Chinese society and mindset, and its importance will not fade over time. However, if you greet others warmly at social events, but are met only with indifference, then you would lose face. ... an early example being R. Hart’s chronicle about China, Arrangements by Which China Has Lost Face (1876). Don’t forget to give Face when you want something from someone in China (e.g., a business deal or a favor). Saving Face in China. Losing face (丢 … Just as there are highly conservative Chinese managers, executives, and leaders who demand respect be paid to them at all times, there are also Chinese who have a less formal attitude, and focus on getting results over respect. Also, causing someone to lose Face can reinforce one’s own authority and status, or pressure someone toward a desired action, such as quitting their job or fulfilling a promise. Jason can’t wait for his next chance to travel in China. You gain face less by individual achievement and more by promoting social harmony and by being seen as helpful. What does lose face expression mean? ( Log Out /  After reaching his early thirties, all of his close friends have already married, some even have children. Westerners, especially Americans, grow up with the idea that life and business are zero-sum competitions: some win and most lose. Face, or miàn zi, is a commonly-heard term with regard to Chinese culture but it can be hard for Westerners and non-Asians to completely grasp and understand. I didn’t realize how deeply the concept of face influenced interpersonal communication in China until I interned for a Chinese company. How can Face affect your business and daily life in China? Face is closely tied to relationships, or guān xi (关系). “To me, your “face” is your position and standing in the eyes of others, and it also has to do with the degree of respect you receive. Also, Chinese culture in and of itself has both liberal and conservative interpretations, even before China’s modernization. The Chinese concept of “face” (aka 面子 or miànzi) refers to a cultural understanding of respect, honor and social standing. The modern concept that ties face to the idea of honor and reputation is clearly related to ideas of Confucianism, but it is impossible to find the exact origin of the concept of face in Chinese culture. In light of his failure to marry when his family,  friends, and society expect him to, he feels a significant internal loss of Face. Everything started out lighthearted. China is, and has always been, a great country, and a great culture and civilization. For example, status in a Chinese family is divided by very distinct roles; there are even separate terms used to address older and younger cousins, aunts, and uncles. more than they might deserve) can be used to build relationships and influence decisions. Status in China is less about self-aggrandizement and more about your relationships with others. And each team took turns winning at a variety of relay races. Also, if you can achieve something through your personal contacts that others cannot through normal channels, you would also be thought to have face. The rule says: "Don’t allow somebody loses her/his face in reason of your atitudes". I’d like to hear about it. And in China’s hierarchy-focused society, the respect a person is due is determined first by status relative to another person’s, not necessarily by personal achievements. China did not want to ‘lose face’ by backing Pakistan on FATF blacklist: Report. If you have spent any time around Chinese culture, you have come across the idea of “losing face", or diū liǎn (丢脸). Follow the China Culture Corner to receive regular updates by email! "Losing face" and "saving face" are ideas often used in Western cultures. 7. level 1. kgbounce. Players had to switch the ball from player to player, but they were not allowed to touch or drop the ball. If you drove a fashionable or luxurious car to attend a friend’s party, then the majority of your friends would feel that you had face. The “individual view” pertains to the amount of prestige individuals feel based on their accomplishments and the amount of respect they feel they are due based on their position and status, such as in a company or the home. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For example, in the modern Chinese economy, there are many opportunities to buy status symbols, which help a person gain prestige. Humility is one of the key factors in getting a job for a Chinese employer. To achieve success in a Chinese work environment, you will need to grasp the importance of face in China. In China and much of Asia, Face represents a person’s reputation and feelings of prestige within multiple spheres, including the workplace, the family, personal friends, and society at large. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By Peter Foster in … On the other hand, when a client relationship is established in China, the client more often than not receives more Face in the early stages of a relationship from the “seller.” Face must be given to the client to make them believe that the seller is worthy of their money and time. After the race, everyone was laughing and smiling. Shreya Dhoundial. They are in China! Giving Face will always be appreciated, even from Chinese people who have a lot of experience interacting with Westerners. A young Chinese woman is stuck in a stressful job with an abusive manager at a local Chinese company. “Actions” pertain to the various activities that can cause an individual to gain or lose Face. Through his mastery of the Chinese language and culture, as well as his empathy and understanding towards the Chinese point of view, he advises Chinese companies on successfully going global.View all posts by Sean Upton-McLaughlin. Thanks for the comment Calvin, though I don’t personally consider knowledge of Chinese culture to be insider information. So long as a person is determined to learn, it can be achieved! Why Motivation is Overrated When Learning a New Language. In addition, the young man’s friends may look down on him due to his failure to marry and hence give him less Face through their actions and words during social gatherings. Most Asian cultures are built on more of a Confucian notion of social harmony and strict hierarchy. (For example, ni3 hao3 -> nǐ hǎo), Already have an account? China’s more traditional society indeed places a great deal of importance on Face within society, business, and politics. Whenever someone outranks you or is older than you, it’s probably a good time to show them more respect. But in reality, face is a complicated part of good manners in China. Related Article: Applying Face in a Chinese Company. But Chinese culture brings face to a whole new complicated level. Whatever the source, there is no doubt that complicated efforts to save face are part of every Chinese relationship, from business to politics, from friendships to families. We decided we would focus and show just how good our chopstick skills were. A young Chinese man is trying to find a woman to marry but has met with no success. The concept of Face can be understood more easily by breaking it down into three separate components: the individual view, the community view, and actions. Face, or miàn zi, is a commonly-heard term with regard to Chinese culture but it can be hard for Westerners and non-Asians to completely grasp and understand. Like many Westerners, I thought I understood what “face” meant before I went to China. Type tone numbers after each pinyin syllable then click the convert button to change them in tone marks. In the end, she feels she has lost so much Face that she cannot bear to face her coworkers, and decides to quit her job. He has worked for Chinese companies for the majority of his career, including well-known smartphone and technology firms. If you can change your focus from winning to preserving harmony, it is much easier to get along in China. With two business people of the same relative position or status, Face is often given and received equally and is the cement that holds a relationship together. Sean is a business and communications professional based out of Hong Kong, China. In this September 14, 2017 file photo, Pangong lake is seen near the India-China border in India's Ladakh area. A Chinese face-swapping app that allows users to convincingly superimpose their own likeness over characters in movies or TV shows has rapidly become one of the country's most downloaded apps, but has triggered a backlash over privacy fears. Not obeying “the will” of a Chinese leader or manager does not give them the perceived necessary prestige they (and others) feel is deserved. It’s true that Face sounds complicated – and it is – but there’s no need to despair. It also helps for migrants and second generation kids in western countries ~ I’ve experienced that they still hold strongly to their ties even if they have grown up there whole lives in America or Australia of instance even if they aren’t even in a “Face culture” lol, Don’t mind me just a random person hahahah. Do you have any additional questions about Face and how the Chinese use it? Let’s face it. I asked why it mattered, as we had won a different competition before. The influx of Western culture into many of the larger Chinese coastal cities (and other more developed areas), along with greater numbers of local Chinese with experience dealing with Westerners, has led to more flexible interpretations of business and social etiquette. I just wanted to say thank you for the article. China Lose Weight Face, China Lose Weight Face Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Lose Weight Face Products at face sheild,heng de face shield,custom face mask from China … The race began and our team quickly went into the lead. If enjoying a drinking session with local friends, don't try to outdo everyone. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. China is losing the trust and respect of some of its closest allies and neighbours who are increasingly worried about the superpower following its punitive trade embargoes against Australia. Chinese people can be quite confusing especially if you don’t understand what underpins all of their actions! You can find Jason here at Yoyo Chinese and on his business site Client Magnet Marketing. Let me know in the comments. The other teams weren't even cheering anymore. Giving face (给面子): Giving deference to someone in order to improve their standing or reputation, or to pay homage to their superior reputation or standing. Face is very visible in the Chinese business environment and plays an important role in inter- and intra-company communication, business negotiations, and the development and maintenance of relationships. Events, but are met only with indifference, then you would lose face ’ by backing Pakistan FATF. Pond, hidden away in the following article key points of face in China i. Cause that person to lose face. ” front of their students and children type numbers. Teachers and parents in front of her own, she is losing face. ability to function as of. Also studied in Shanghai as part of good manners in China plays out in everyday life and in! First and second germination kids hold strongly to their “ face ” meant before i went to China, from! 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