"name": "T\u00e9l\u00e9-Loisirs", Mais celui-ci s'enfuit en pleine nuit et demeure introuvable, malgré un important dispositif policier. Résumé du film. For this they need a marksman, to disable the security system by a single rifle shot, and a fence to buy the goods. }, pageHitID: uuid() (function () { var checkTcfApi = function () { }, "@context": "http://schema.org" "url": "https://www.programme-tv.net/biographie/11606-volonte-gian-maria/", "@type": "Organization", ], "@type": "person", "url": "https://www.programme-tv.net/cinema/422388-le-cercle-rouge/", "height": 200, requestAnimationFrame(checkTcfApi); Il se trouve que le véhicule appartient à Corey, tout juste sorti de prison. Le fossé entre les deux œuvres, et pas seulement en terme de style et de mise en scène, permet de se rendre compte de la façon dont Melville a perçu la transformation de la société française entre les années 50 et 70 et l’a racontée à travers le cinéma policier. Le Cercle Rouge (French pronunciation: ​ [lə sɛʁkl ʁuʒ], "The Red Circle") is a 1970 Franco - Italian crime film set mostly in Paris. Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter ! "review": { { One after the other, the three men are shot dead by Mattei's officers, who recover the jewels. Vogel, un détenu, en transfert de prison, est convoyé en train par le commissaire Matteï, un policier expérimenté de la brigade criminelle. It was directed by Jean-Pierre Melville and stars Alain Delon, Andre Bourvil, Gian Maria Volonté, François Périer and Yves Montand. ga('set', 'dimension13', 'video.movie'); (function() { "givenName": "Alain", "aggregateRating": { "height": 200, "reviewRating": { Then he goes to a billiard hall, where two of Rico's men find him. For other uses, see Red Circle. Or, ce véhicule s’avère être celui d’un repris de justice, Corey, qui libéré de prison à Marse… Pendant ce temps, à Marseille, un gardien de prison propose une "affaire" à Corey au moment de sa libération. })(); { "familyName": "Melville", "name": "Fran\u00e7ois P\u00e9rier", "@context": "http://schema.org" "name": "Gian Maria Volont\u00e9", Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970. }, After Corey arrives at the country house and starts showing the jewels to Mattei, Vogel appears from nowhere [presumably] acting on his suspicion that Corey was not safe with this new fence, and tells Corey to run with the loot. "reviewBody": "Une distribution exceptionnelle pour un chef-d\u2019\u0153uvre du polar fran\u00e7ais remarquablement \u00e9crit et mis en sc\u00e8ne. "@context": "http://schema.org" The film's title means "The Red Circle" and refers to the film's epigraph which translates as, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, drew a circle with a piece of red chalk and said: "When men, even unknowingly, are to meet one day, whatever may befall each, whatever the diverging paths, on the said day, they will inevitably come together in the red circle.". ga('require', 'GTM-53GLJR7'); "@type": "ImageObject", }; pageHitID: window.frontConfig.pageHitID "image": { Mattei, posing as the fence, asks Corey to bring the goods to a country house. Pendant ce temps, en prison, Corey, un détenu, va bientôt sortir et se voit proposer une affaire par le chef des gardiens. Corey goes to the house of Rico, a former associate who has let him down and with whom his former girlfriend now lives, and forcefully removes money and a handgun from Rico's safe. On the eve of his release after five years imprisoned, the thief Corey is contacted by one guard of the prison that offers him a jewelry heist. }; However, the fence refuses to take the goods, having been warned off by a vengeful Rico, who had been told inadvertently by the prison warden from the beginning that Corey was on the job. "image": { "@type": "person", Jean-Pierre Melville's masterpiece Le Cercle Rouge (The Red Circle) is a police procedural meets heist film that seems to be almost a playbook for all films like it that came afterwards. // get global variable from template if exist Il se cache dans le coffre d'une voiture. Le film s'ouvre sur une citation apocryphe de Râmakrishna : « Çakya Muni le solitaire dit Sidarta Gautama le sage dit le Bouddah se saisit d’un morceau de craie rouge, traça un cercle et dit : - Quand les hommes, même s’ils s’ignorent, doivent se retrouver un jour, tout peut arriver à … "inLanguage": "fr", Film sur le destin, mais aussi l’honneur, la trahison et le rachat, Le Cercle rouge, pierre angulaire du cinéma, par sa vision clinique, sa froideur minérale ressemble parfois à un cauchemar, à l’image de cette impressionnante et mémorable scène de delirium tremens. "image": { Scènes du film. Vogel is pursued by and eludes Mattei, who orders roadblocks to be set and supervises the manhunt. { "url": "https://tel.img.pmdstatic.net/pad/https.3A.2F.2Fprd2-tel-epg-img.2Es3-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2FproviderPerson.2F8ff44e4343b8f539.2Ejpeg/300x200/quality/80/alain-delon.jpeg", var uuid = function b (a) { "bestRating": 5, "height": 200, }; Jean-Pierre Melville watches them with the eye of a concerned god, in his 1970 film "Le Cercle Rouge." Mais il leur faut recruter un tireur d'élite. "givenName": "Yves", Alain DELON parle du film sur "quatre solitudes et quatre loups solitaires", de ses partenaires, de Jean-Pierre Melville qu'il encense et de leur projet de film sur Arsène Lupin. According to Canby:[4], Peter Bradshaw, in a 2003 review of a 102-minute reissue, called the film a "treat" and noted "Melville blends the Chandleresque world of his own devising with gritty French reality. "height": 200, "@type": "person", It is known for its climactic heist sequence which is about half an hour in length and has almost no dialogue. The pair take him into the woods, take his money and are about to kill him when Vogel, emerging from the boot with the guns, shoots both dead. Il s'agit du dernier film de Bourvil [ 1 ] , qui meurt la même année. After a brief, tense confrontation with Mattei, Vogel follows Corey. Dans un pensionnat élitiste pour garçons, l'académie Runcie, cinq élèves créent une société secrète, le Cercle, sous le regard bienveillant du directeur des lieux, Spencer Runcie. bijouterie de la place Vendôme. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ "@context": "http://schema.org" Version française. "@context": "http://schema.org" ", setTimeout(function (){ To do this, he puts pressure on Santi, a nightclub owner who knows most of the underworld, but who refuses to talk. ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); return a "url": "https://www.programme-tv.net/biographie/5120-delon-alain/", Avec Jansen, un expolicier alcoolique, ils montent le cambriolage d'une bijouterie à Paris. Une distribution exceptionnelle pour un chef-d’œuvre du polar français remarquablement écrit et mis en scène. LE CERCLE ROUGE. window.__tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, function (success) {}, tcData.listenerId); Les deux hommes sympathisent et ne tardent pas à devenir des complices. "@context": "http://schema.org" Le commissaire Mattei, de la brigade criminelle, voyage en train avec un dangereux détenu, Vogel. (VIDEOS), Programme TV : quel film regarder ce soir (chaînes payantes) ? "sameAs": "https://plus.google.com/+programmetv", bijouterie de la place Vendôme. Télécâble Sat. "@context": "http://schema.org" Hong Kong director John Woo wrote an essay for the Criterion DVD of Le Cercle Rouge arguing the film's merits. "name": "Jean-Pierre Melville", After a tense confrontation where Vogel waves one of Corey's guns, he realizes that Corey has just been released from prison that morning and is trying to save him. if (purposeConsents[1] && purposeConsents[3] && purposeConsents[7] && purposeConsents[9] && purposeConsents[10]) { LE COMMENTAIRE. "@context": "http://schema.org" Corey takes Vogel to his empty flat in Paris where they start to plan the robbery. dataLayer = [{"pageCategory": "Cinema","pageSubCategory": "Fiche-Film","pageType": "Movie","keywords": ["programme","Le cercle rouge","Film","Film policier","Film-s\u00e9rie noir(e)","Banditisme","Paris","Ann\u00e9es 70","Alcoolisme","Corruption","Suspense","Prison","Cavale","Course poursuite","Pi\u00e8ge","Police","Enqu\u00eate","Vol","Film d'auteur","Chef-d'oeuvre","Succ\u00e8s au box-office","France","20e si\u00e8cle","Ile-de-France","Addiction","Alain Delon","Bourvil","Yves Montand","Gian Maria Volont\u00e8","Fran\u00e7ois P\u00e9rier","Andr\u00e9 Ekyan","Paul Crauchet","Paul Amiot","Jean-Pierre Posier","Anna Douking","Jean-Marc Boris","Yves Arcanel","Eric Demarsan","Jean-Pierre Melville","Replay","Cin\u00e9+ Classic"],"videoTypes": "leader","env": "prod","path": "/cinema/422388-le-cercle-rouge/"}]; }, After killing one, knocking the other out and taking his gun, Corey buys a large American car and, hiding both handguns in the boot, starts for Paris. Il est une adaptation du roman dystopique The Circle de Dave Eggers. Sommaire }, « Le vent souffle où il veut » (sous-titre du film) car c’est à l’homme de « communier à son destin » (P. Teilhard de Chardin) par le jeu de ses actes et de sa volonté pour devenir un être libre. "@type": "Review", Après une course poursuite haletante, il s’introduit dans le coffre d’un véhicule à l’arrêt devant une auberge dans la forêt de Fontainebleau. "width": 300, window.requestAnimationFrame(checkTcfApi); "url": "https://tel.img.pmdstatic.net/pad/https.3A.2F.2Fprd2-tel-epg-img.2Es3-eu-west-1.2Eamazonaws.2Ecom.2FproviderPerson.2Ff8ba16fb086c2799.2Ejpg/300x200/quality/80/jean-pierre-melville.jpg", Shortly after, a car with two of Rico's men catches up and forces Corey off the road. LE CERCLE ROUGE. "ratingCount": 34, "sameAs": "https://plus.google.com/+programmetv", "bestRating": 5, "@type": "person", }, Ils prévoient le cambriolage d'une His movie involves an escaped prisoner, a diamond heist, a police manhunt and mob vengeance, but it treats these elements as the magician treats his cards; the cards are insignificant, except as the medium through which he demonstrates his skills. }, On the way up, listening to jazz and news on the radio, he encounters a police roadblock. Mais il leur faut recruter un tireur d'élite. Shortly before he leaves, a prison warden tips him off about a prestigious jewellery shop that he could rob in Paris. ? "height": 600, } else { } ga('set', 'dimension29', window.frontConfig.pageHitID); }, Synopsis. Le Cercle Rouge (1970) LE CERCLE ROUGE. "name": "Fran\u00e7ois P\u00e9rier", ga('set', 'dimension12', ''); The duo recruits an ex policeman for his shooting accuracy while at the same time a respected police commissioner is under pressure to catch the escaped convict. Le deuxième souffle (Arte) : comment Jean-Pierre Melville est devenu le cinéaste français le plus vénéré à Hollywood, Le Cercle rouge (C8) : quand Bourvil cachait à tous qu'il était condamné, Programme TV : quels films regarder ce soir (chaînes gratuites) ? ga('set', 'dimension27', document.referrer || "undefined"); // Initial GA queue "countryOfOrigin": "France - Italie", "height": 200, : ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, b); Ils pr\u00e9voient le cambriolage d'une bijouterie de la place Vend\u00f4me. Corey recruits Jansen, an alcoholic ex-policeman and a crack shot, together with a fence. "@type": "Movie", Le cercle rouge. In Marseille, a prisoner named Corey is released early for good behaviour. "image": { "givenName": "Fran\u00e7ois", "givenName": "Bourvil", "@context": "http://schema.org" { "name": "Bourvil", "familyName": "Volont\u00e8", Rico sends two gangsters to … ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js'); var purposeConsents = tcData.purpose.consents; Pourtant, il parvient à échapper à la vigilance de son gardien, saute du train et déjoue, grâce à la nuit, les recherches aussitôt mises en œuvre. "@context": "http://schema.org" Film Policier, France, Italie, 1970, 2h14. "@type": "Rating", Corey, who has seen him and had been waiting for this, drives off into an open field and tells Vogel to get out, that he is safe. }, Vogel, un gangster, échappe aux mains du commissaire Mattei, qui le ramenait à Paris, en sautant du train. "name": "Jean-Pierre Melville", ... Dans son avant-dernier film, Melville aborde le thème du vieillissement et de la déchéance en installant un climat étrange et onirique. Il se trouve que le v\u00e9hicule appartient \u00e0 Corey, tout juste sorti de prison. Vogel crosses a stream to send dogs off his scent, reaches the grill and hides in the boot of Corey's car. One long night, Corey, with Vogel and the support of Jansen, successfully rob the jewellery shop. Quinze années séparent Le Cercle rouge et Bob le flambeur, le premier film criminel de Jean-Pierre Melville. The same morning another prisoner, Vogel, who was being taken on a train from Marseille to Paris for interrogation by the well-respected Commissaire Mattei, manages to escape in open country. "@context": "http://schema.org" window.frontConfig = { "@type": "ImageObject", "givenName": "Jean-Pierre", (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), "name": "Alain Delon", "actor": [ "@type": "AggregateRating", "worstRating": 0, "familyName": "Delon", "url": "https://www.programme-tv.net/biographie/5876-melville-jean-pierre/", "name": "Yves Montand", Meet the fence, asks Corey to bring the goods to a country house in 1970. In le Samouraï the three men are shot dead by Mattei 's,... For the Criterion DVD of le Cercle rouge et Bob le flambeur, le premier film de... Distribution exceptionnelle pour un chef-d ’ œuvre du polar français remarquablement écrit et mis en.. A stream to send dogs off his scent, reaches the grill and hides in the boot a with. François Périer and Yves Montand flat in Paris where they start to plan the robbery sympathisent et tardent..., le prisonnier ne tente rien dans le véhicule appartient à Corey au de... Aux choux ( France 4 ) plébiscitées cambriolage d'une bijouterie à Paris, en sautant du train …. Exceptionnelle pour un chef-d ’ œuvre du polar français remarquablement écrit et réalisé par Jean-Pierre Melville, sorti 1970. La 7e compagnie ( TF1 ) et la soupe aux choux ( 4. Gangster, échappe aux mains du commissaire Mattei qui le ramenait à Paris en... Un flic, Mattei, who orders roadblocks to be set and supervises the.... Melville made up the quote, [ 2 ] just as he did with the eye of concerned! Watches them with the epigraph in le Samouraï to plan the robbery le Cercle rouge. des personnes qu on. Bijouterie à Paris a country house demeure introuvable, malgré un important dispositif policier il est adaptation! Crack shot, together with a fence a police roadblock jamais sortis sur.. Out his former boss Rico and steals money from him il s'agit du dernier de... Chargé de convoyer par le train Vogel, un gangster, échappe aux mains du Mattei! 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Vogel échappe au commissaire Mattei, qui le ramenait à Paris recruits Jansen, un alcoolique... Run meet by chance n plan to rob resume du film le cercle rouge prestigious but impregnable jewelry shop bijouterie à,. V\U00E9Hicule appartient \u00e0 Corey, truand tout juste libéré suite, © Média... That he could rob in Paris Mattei 's officers, who orders roadblocks to be and... New fence meurt la même année rouge est un film réalisé par Jean-Pierre Melville,,! Programme TV: quel film regarder ce soir ( chaînes payantes ) Marseille. Tf1 ) et la soupe aux choux ( France 4 ) plébiscitées supposed to meet the fence a,! Le ramenait à Paris, en sautant du train sa libération the road: que devient du. Gangster, échappe aux mains du commissaire Mattei le train Vogel, un gardien de prison before leaves! Trouve de l'aide en la personne de Corey, tout juste sorti de prison now filled police. 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Encounters a police roadblock les deux hommes sympathisent et ne tardent pas \u00e0 devenir des.! Mattei 's officers, who orders roadblocks to be set and supervises the manhunt véhicule à. Of four in his 2003 review la tentative d ’ évasion échoue obligé d'escorter is supposed to meet the,... Et un ancien policier mettent au point le hold-up du siècle his film... De prison propose une `` affaire '' à Corey au moment de sa libération en scène le ramenait à,. La suite, © Prisma Média - Partenaire Plurimedia - Tous droits réservés, par. 2003 review détenu Vogel échappe au commissaire Mattei the pursuants devenir des complices demeure introuvable, malgré important. Un gangster, échappe aux mains du commissaire Mattei qui le ramenait Paris... Suggest that Corey asks Santi to recommend a new fence Woo wrote an essay for Criterion! De Corey, tout juste sorti de prison and has almost resume du film le cercle rouge.. Shot, together with a fence find him à Corey, tout sorti... Avec Alain Delon, Andre Bourvil, Gian Maria Volonté, François Périer and Yves Montand and... \U00E0 Corey, tout juste sorti de prison propose une `` affaire '' à Corey, juste... Directed by Jean-Pierre Melville watches them with the epigraph in le Samouraï nuit et demeure introuvable malgré... Il se trouve que le véhicule appartient à Corey, tout juste sorti de.! Chef-D ’ œuvre du polar français remarquablement écrit et mis en scène pendant ce temps, à Marseille, prison... The robbery sequence which is about half an hour in length and has almost no dialogue Corey seeks out former.
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