SO: That’s right, and believe it my friend. BDJ: You’re still training to this day. The diet was all right for Frank Zane’s metabolism, but for me, it was not doing the job. 2014 Jr Nationals Superhe… Oliva began his journey into weightlifting in the late 1950s by a … BDJ: After you left Jones’s instruction and went your own way, did you continue training with a HIT approach, or did you return to volume training? If I did it my way, I would have looked unbelievable. Even though Arnold looked unbeatable, he did so only until Sergio walked out on the stage. He reminds me of myself, with a tiny waist. The consequences later are going to be big. Again, no direct hamstring work. 1966 Mr. America – AAU, 2nd 11. In the Oliva clan, the tie that binds is wrought in iron. Sergio Oliva Workout Routine and Diet Plan: Sergio Oliva was a Cuban bodybuilder and sadly he died in 2012. If he says “I’m going to pay you so much”, he does. 2008 Southern USA Heavyweight 2nd place 6. You’ll also notice a fair amount of shoulder work as well. He is probably best known as an idol and mentor to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Side Bends with Bar Behind Neck. And after that if I didn’t hold that pose they wouldn’t let me off the stage (laughter). But as you continue going every day, your power, endurance, determination increases so much that you are able to handle that kind of routine. 3 sets, 20 reps with 250 pounds. I see what they are using… the way they look… I tell you, it’s scary… I would pass on that. SO: Yes that’s what it is. This small gesture turned out to spark the beginning of an all-consuming passion. And when you work your way up, the forearms have to be huge, otherwise they look small connected to the triceps. BDJ: I find most of the physiques today look like one another; almost clone-like. Don’t let anybody fool you. SO: Well, I went back to free weights because I did not have access to his machines. People don’t always want to hear about the blue and the red, but the black and the white. Zane, Arnold, Columbu, Haney… all those guys were under contract. His favorite food to eat was still steak and eggs at the time of bodybuilding he did add veggies and other stuff as well. But the development of drugs is much different. Home > Workouts > Sergio Oliva Training Routine and Interview. But, he knows. Competitors of the sixties and seventies each had a special unique look or style. If you use the drugs, have the physique and want to make money, then you have to go with him. A routine, for instance, would have you start with a squat to muscular failure. Bench Press. Sergio Oliva stated that the following routine was his only true exercise program. Sergio Oliva Workout Routine and Diet Plan: Sergio Oliva was a Cuban bodybuilder and sadly he died in 2012. It’s politics, the Weider bullshit magazines. It was like a protein shake to him. By the time I got to the last one, I thought I was going to throw up on the floor. You can even see how differently the muscle develops on bodybuilders of today versus those of the sixties. Ⓒ 2021. You’re also, perhaps, one of the few who can hold that pose and look good? Some of the exercises that I found out which he used to do before preparing for the championship. Bodybuilder Lee Haney Workout Routine and Diet Plan [2020]. His classes have several interesting combinations of exercises, including weight lifting, work on the scheme 5×5, supersets, antagonistic exercises and small but challenging workout with squats, work with different muscle groups twice a week. I’m not like some of the competitors who only trained for six months for a contest then laid back. 1966 Junior Mr. America – AAU, Most Muscular 10. SO: When he took Arnold under his wing, Arnold was already competing in London, England for Mr. Universe. Bench Press 260 x 8, 10 reps on chinning bar, Set 4. I’m also working with someone on a book about my life story and competition days. People are still talking about Essen ’72. 5 sets, 5 reps, 250 pounds, supersetted with Rowing Machine, 200 pounds, Sitting Press with Dumbbells. He used to work in construction companies and other stuff to make his living. Tell us about it. Weider. Photos of Sergio Oliva Sr. courtesy of Weider Health & Fitness It seemed all 5,000 fans on the Felt Forum of Madison Square Garden were on the verge of rioting, so great was their disapproval of the decision. Re-Entry is the latest creation from Sergio Oliva Jr and Cosmic Industries, which is a comprehensive intra-workout supplement built to support performance, endurance, and strength while you train. Otherwise, don’t use the drugs because you won’t have any other place to go. 3 sets, 5 reps, 200 pounds. 1964 Mr. Illinois – 1st 3. Oliva’s weightlifting … BDJ: I notice a lot of people take steroids because they are too lazy to train hard mostly teenage boys. He was one of the best bodybuilders ever in the bodybuilding industry and for the name ‘The Myth‘. His physique is unproportional — a man with a back, but no arms or calves. I was posing in a country in the 1960s, I lifted my arms up, and everybody went bananas! 1964 Mr. America – AAU, 7th 4. He only trained a few people, but that’s the propaganda. You see, Jones tricked everybody. October 2020. After that contest Weider put the promoter out of the promotion business. He won the Mr Universe in 1951, 1958 and 1965. So, in a business sense, I was bad for the business. By the early 1970s, his contemporaries recall that he was unable to fully lock-out his arms and legs —at least not without leading to a dislocation. Sergio used lighter squats, and also incorporated front squats into his routine. This is all about Sergio Oliva workout routine. 5 sets, 5 reps, supersetted with Tricep Machine Pull Downs. That is why I’m asked to do seminars all over the world, and people really enjoy them. Wednesday: Abs, Legs, Calves. Now his son is the one who is taking his dad’s legacy and trying to become a great bodybuilder like his dad. We used to talk about the big deal of taking decca and dianabol. Now, Lee Haney is my friend and I have a lot of respect for him, but there is no way in the old days that Lee Haney would have won the Mr. Olympia. The diet plan of Sergio Oliva has always been something that any bodybuilder will never try. Too many people used them like they were using free weights pumping and resting. A Wednesday session consisted of ab work plus hamstring and calf exercise. Within six months, he was able to clean and jerk over 400 pounds, an astounding total for a 20-year-old. But they’re making a double mistake. I used decca and dianabol, and that was something really big at the time; and decca was not considered that bad. SO: I definitely did not do that many sets, but don’t forget I didn’t have the machines, which were much more intense — requiring less volume in comparison to free weights. He’s the type of person you like to be around; the type of person you like to deal with since he won’t screw you or use you. But don’t forget, Mike came from the outside; Zane was with Weider. 2007 Panhandle showdown light heavy 1st place 4. The Next Myth: Sergio Oliva Jr. Finding success by following in your father's footsteps is one thing. SO: Anything I have to say about Jones is good. 5 sets of 15 reps with 80 pound dumbbells, supersetted with dipping. Did this phenomenon occur while training with Jones? 5 sets, 5 reps, 200 pounds, In Conversation with Sergio Oliva, By Brian D. Johnston. He followed the 5 x 5 routine that was was made famous Reg Park. Sergio Oliva Jr. has quite the bodybuilding family legacy behind him. After just six months of training Oliva was doing clean and jerks with over 300 lb and totaling 1000 lb in the three major lifts at a bodyweight of 195 lb, considered a middle-heavyweight. Even Arnold himself said that he didn’t win, that it was nothing but politics… it was nothing but politics, but they gave it to him. And if they have a little bit of shape, they all have the same kind of shape! 3 sets, 5 reps, 200 pounds, Scott Bench for Triceps. This is why I said that no bodybuilder will even try to eat like him or even workout like him. As a matter of fact, Arnold was the only competitor to go against Sergio, and even posed first. I tell it like it is and allow the audience to ask me questions. 1966 Mr. America – AAU, Most Mu… One of the best right now is Flex Wheeler. 1963 Mr. Chicago – 1st 2. 1965 Mr. America – AAU, Most Muscular, 8. For Sergio Oliva, a man of fiercely independent spirit trapped in a repressive system, weightlifting contests would mean being able to say good-bye—possibly forever—to the only home he'd ever known. It helped him get the energy and keep up with his workout. The exercises were carried to the point where you could not possibly do any more reps — to the point of not being able to move the weight. The workout he used to do was something else, he used to train the upper body exercises with light weights and more reps. As a matter of fact, he took away from me. On Wednesday, Sergio worked abs first, then heavy squats and calves. It wasn’t until he joined the weight lifting team he used to earn a little more to afford more meals and other supplements to focus more on his weight training. So it seemed everything that I ate, I turned it into muscle. Leverage incline press 4 x 10-15; Arsenal strength press 4 x 10-15 And I could not do any better than eighth place because all those guys on the stage are the same ones endorsing his vitamins, proteins, magazines, equipment… I didn’t do anything for him, because he didn’t do anything for me. But they control everything. For the most part, Sergio used fewer sets for biceps on this day. Reg Park (7 June 1928 – 22 November 2007) was an English bodybuilder and businessman. They have to bend and go with them. The training routine Sergio Oliva Sergio Oliva said that recently engaged in a single training program. BDJ: So, Jones had you alternate between free weights and machines? If you don’t use the machines the way we did, then it’s a piece of cake and you can easily include other exercises in between. Then there’s Dorian Yates. Everyone went down… Columbu, Arnold, Zane… everybody. They control all the contests, equipment and bodybuilders. Arnold competed in Essen. Casey already lived there with Jones and was used to the workouts. Anybody can go work out and get a physique without steroids, and that is what I recommend. Sergio Oliva vs Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is all about Sergio Oliva diet plan. And he refused… he would not let me compete. It’s all Weider: the Mr. Olympia, Mr. Universe, Night of Champions. also, I’m also still working on the police force with about 6-7 years to go. BDJ: What are your thoughts on some of the past Mr. Olympias, in regards to political tampering? Oliva’s incredible genetic structure and natural strength took to weightlifting like a fish takes to water. 3 sets, 5 reps, 50 pound dumbbell, supersetted with Tricep Press Downs. He is the only one with a really complete physique. Bench Press 320 x 8, 8 reps on chinning bar, Set 6. Sometimes he would get people to use machine after machine, and when you thought you were finished, he would get you to do a squat! 5 sets, 5 reps with 60 pound dumbbell, supersetted with Tricep Press Downs. He used to train mix exercise before the championship to pump his body as much as he can. I wanted to also workout, and I thought, “Jesus Christ!” I believed that I could not do it, having trained so hard for so long. “He taught me weightlifting, and I taught him bodybuilding,” Gajda says. BDJ: What projects and plans do you have for the immediate future? 5 sets, 8 reps with no weight. That’s not to say, by any means, that it was easy! Sergio Oliva exercise includes. I was supposed to do this book before, but I like to say things they way they are and it was difficult to get interested writers willing to put it all on the line. That’s when he put me through all the machines. Also notice that Sergio performed three 20-rep squat sets. BDJ: Provide an example of a routine you did at that time. BDJ: Judging from past photos, I believe you were your biggest while training with Jones. 10 sets, 8 reps, 300 pounds. But Joe didn’t want Arnold to go, but Arnold wanted to compete. My back was much bigger, though. Required fields are marked *, Terms of Service | Copyright©2020 | All Rights Reserved, Sergio Oliva had an amazing workout routine and it was also said that no other bodybuilder eats and workout like Sergio Oliva. He allowed me to do a posing exhibition, but not compete. Sergio’s second chest and back workout of the week. And when you think you’re going to rest, he has you going to another machine! SO: I could have entered that contest much better, and much bigger… that night was not the same physique that I always carried. On Monday, Sergio Oliva blasted his chest with bench press, dips and flyes, and also worked his back with chinups. He used any kind of trick. Set 1. There’s no way to deny it. Sergio Oliva Training Routine Sergio Oliva stated that the following routine was his only true exercise program . 5 sets, 5 reps, 200 pounds, Scott (Curls) Bench. I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone… to my friends or any of my family. I did so much in life that it is not necessary to add or take away from my stories, but it is hard to find someone willing to print the truth. I spoke to Serge Nubret who asked that I go to the Mr. Olympia since Joe Weider wouldn’t be there to fix the contest. And bodybuilders have to go with Weider because where else are they going to compete? 80 pound dumbbells. Sergio utilized the squat to work his hamstrings and standing heel raises. Also Read Workout and Diet Plan of Great Bodybuilder>>, Your email address will not be published. (I have nothing against Arnold, he has done very well; many people used him in the beginning, then he used them.) On Tuesdays, Sergio worked his shoulders, biceps and triceps. If you’re not, then you’re not. Everybody knows. How about the 1979 Mr. Olympia between Zane and Mentzer? in the three Olympic lifts, the Clean and Jerk, the Snatch and the Military Press. BDJ: Your last year of competition was 1985. BDJ: Did Jones train in your presence, and if so, did he train that hard? When you take steroids you have to train even harder… otherwise the excess weight later turns into fat. Situps – 10 sets, 50 reps Leg Raises – 5 sets, 20 reps Side Bends (Bar Behind Neck) – 5 sets, 200 reps Squats – 300 lbs 5 reps, 400 lbs 5 reps, 440 lbs 5 reps, 470 lbs 5 reps, 500 lbs 4 reps Standing Heel Raises (300 pounds) – 10 sets, 8 reps . BDJ: A similar thing happened to Mentzer in Sydney, Australia, in 1980 when they gave him fifth place. I did maintained the same intensity afterward, however. Anyway, she wanted me to follow the diet that Frank Zane followed. BDJ: I believe your initial meeting with Jones was around the same time that Arnold beat you during that very controversial Mr. Olympia in Essen, Germany? Totally different from those other assholes. His training routine involved some interesting combinations…high volume, 5×5 work, supersets, antagonistic training, a modest – but heavy – squat workout, 20 rep squat sets, and the philosophy of hitting each muscle group twice a week. Steve Shaw is the original founder of Muscle and Brawn, an experienced powerlifter with over 31 years experience pumping iron. SO: There are a few. Friday’s workout was another heavy arm day, but also features more back work. People who hadn't actually seen him couldn't believe the descriptions they heard about him, so … BDJ: The reason I brought that up is that previous issues of muscle magazines, and throughout various Weider encyclopedias and books, it suggested that you performed a much higher volume of training, up to 15-20 sets per muscle group. More about Sergio Oliva diet plan, he used to eat that every day this is why he was also known for his sweet tooth. Zane knows that, and Zane is my personal friend. Now the talk is about growth hormone. Steroids Bodybuilders Use to Get RIPPED (Legal Alternatives), Best Steroids for Mass (Legal Alternatives). We’re a team of dedicated and honest writers that offer a no bullshit guide to health and supplementation. After doing some time of weight lifting training he went to America and that’s where he changed himself to a bodybuilder from a weight lifter. Sergio Oliva possessed amazing lats and superior arms. So, I flew down and tested them, and I found them to be quite different from other, regular machines. SO: Mentzer all the way. Sergio Oliva Jr. accomplished this feat at just 2 weeks old, when his father, three-time Olympia champion (1967–69) Sergio Oliva Sr., proudly raised him up to the world at the 1984 Olympia. 2012 Midwest Ironman Heavyweight 1st place & Overall 9. So I’m sure even you want to know what. 5 sets, 10 reps, 150 pounds, Scott (Curls) Bench with Dumbbells. As a middle-heavyweight, Sergio soon boasted a total of 1000 lbs. In 1962, the National Weightlifting Championship for Cuba was won by Alberto Rey Games Hernandez; Sergio Oliva … 200 x 5, 220 x 5, 260 x 5, 300 x 5, 320 x 5, 350 x 5, 380 x 5, Press Behind Neck. I don’t care who wants to take steroids, because that’s a personal choice… that’s his life. But with Jones’s method, there is no way… you keep going until you can no longer move. He was able to grow a 50 inch chest by utilizing these techniques. They also call him the ‘Master’, but I don’t know the master of what… maybe the master of breaking your back and your brains. The surprising thing was that his water intake in a day was almost 2 gallons and milk intake was almost a gallon. He said I was suspended for a year because I competed in the non-IFBB sanctioned Mr. Universe in London the year before. Sergio Oliva Jr crushes arms with trainer, Kirk Chittick.#SergioOlivaJr #ArmWorkout #GAT It was the way that he did it that was different. When finish, all you can do is lay down on the floor. 5 sets, 10 reps, 200 pounds, Sitting Heel Raises. Sergio Oliva Workout Routine and Diet Plan. SO: Jones initially contacted me from Deland, Florida. 200 x 5, 220 x 5, 260 x 5, 300 x 5, 320 x 5, 350 x 5, 380 x 5. SO: He would only recommend the machines, but I wanted to use free weights also. Sergio Oliva stated that the following routine was his only true exercise program. That is not proportional or symmetrical. His legendary Cuban-born father is three time IFBB Mr. Olympia Sergio Oliva, who was one of three men (and the last) to beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest. Hence, most of his training included only partial movements. If you are a fan of Bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, Check Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout. And I do my seminars different from everyone else. Now his son is the one who is taking his dad’s legacy and trying to become a great… Read More » Plus the lats have to be linked to tremendous triceps and the chest has to be huge; otherwise you look flat from the front when you raise the arms. Made with Love. And I said, “yes.” It was very intensive… very powerful… and very different from other routines. I compare myself to Flex Wheeler, a little bit. So, how can you win? Sergio’s second chest and back workout of the week. Bench Press supersetted with Chinning Bar. Sergio Oliva in the '80s November 2019 by Mr.Berg. He is the only honest man I met in bodybuilding. He was one of the best bodybuilders ever in the bodybuilding industry and for the name ‘The Myth‘. SO: I’m 60 years old and I go to the gym five days a week. When I went to Weider I was already Sergio Oliva, so he could not say that he ‘made’ me. Side Bends with Bar Behind Neck. Doing it when your father is a three-time Mr. Olympia is quite another. I even saw in one of the big magazines that Arnold denies having used them, but Arnold was one of the first to bring steroids over to America. Gajda worked for the YMCA and ran the gym that Oliva would adopt in his new hometown. Although when it comes to legs he used to do the standard bodybuilding exercise. If he says that he’s going to train you a particular way, and next year you’re going to look a certain way, then you will look that way. It quickly became clear that Sergio was made for the iron game. Then he has you immediately doing the regular free weight bench press, followed by a Nautilus chest machine… then more exercises for the remainder of the body. Here are some tips Greg learned from Sergio Oliva that day in the gym: A lot of bodybuilders try to do it, but the problem with the Victory Pose is that you have to have so much muscle. SO: When I see what they are going through, and what they have to take to be what they are… I wouldn’t want it. Extending Heavy Curls. This day illustrates just how old school Sergio’s training regimen was. Now, if they put Zane and Mentzer together in a contest that was not Weider dominated then Mike would have won. 1965 Junior Mr. America – AAU, Most Muscular 6. July 21, 2015 Classic Bodybuilding: Sergio Oliva's Mass-Building Methods The Legendary Mass-Building Methods and Workouts of "The Myth"—and the Story Behind Them . 2007 Southern USA Lightheavy 4th place 3. After going through his workouts, my arm was almost an inch bigger, and that happened for everybody. BDJ: Well, Weider claims to be Trainer of Champions. Before using one of Reg Park training routine I ... ContinueReg Park Training Routine 2010 Southern USA Superheavy 1st place & overall 8. BDJ: Do you think Haney deserved any of the Mr. Olympia wins? Some Tips of IFBB Mr. Olympia Sergio “The Myth” Oliva Sr. to Intensify Your Workout. Bench Press. His natural, freakish athletic ability and strength earned him a spot on the national team, but in 1962, Oliva defected and wound up in Chicago. He has seen days where he just used to eat once a day. SO: Jones would put you in a routine starting with legs. Sergio Oliva Workout Routine After doing some time of weight lifting training he went to America and that’s where he changed himself to a bodybuilder from a weight lifter. A lot of people will be against it, and a lot of people are going to know a lot that they don’t already know. You’ll also notice a fair amount of shoulder work as well. There is no doubt about it. SO: Yes. 1966 Junior Mr. America – AAU, Winner 9. By the time you get to the other machine, you feel like you’re going to die, pushing yourself to the maximum again. But when we started to get close to the competition, there was no way I could do both… no way. Thank God I had good genes to be able to eat what I want. Oliva began his training in Cuba as an Olympic-style weightlifter. Sergio Oliva's workout program; Posted by C.S. If you try and fight it they will do everything to get you out of the way. And that pose came out of no where; I did it, but don’t know how or why. He used to eat one meal a day before getting into weight lifting and after he went to weight lifting. I had no power to train and I felt too weak to workout… it was a disaster. Leg Raises, 5 … SO: This is an area of great interest for people. SO: No question about it. From that day on everybody started calling me the Myth, and named it the Victory Pose. Workout Systems: Mr. Olympia Sergio Oliva Workout Monday: Chest, Back. The book will discuss these things, but also my Olympic lifting days before bodybuilding, when I prepared for the Pan American games, when I prepared in Russia, all the sports I did in Cuba to escape… basketball, volleyball, boxing, running… I was doing everything, but the competition was too high. The second thing is, and I found this out, that even if I looked like King Kong and cut, they would have given me the same placing. SO: He may have deserved some Mr. Olympias, but not all… not the guys he competed against. Bench Press 350 x 8, 8 reps on chinning bar, Set 7. In 1972, the Mr. Olympia promoter called everyone to go, and everyone did. Sergio Oliva Training Routine and Interview. Arnold’s arm was 19.75″, and Weider had him in the magazines with 22.5″. Your lats have to be tremendous, and the waist very tiny. It was during that time that Jones measured my arms and my head, and I couldn’t believe that my arms were bigger than my head… I didn’t pay attention up to that point. SO: Yes, they all look the same. He could not use me, perhaps to the point where he could claim that he took me out of my mamma’s belly. Fast-forward 34 years to Sept. 14, 2018, and Oliva Jr. made history, becoming the first son of an Olympia winner to compete on the O stage. I don’t push or drink protein powders and I won’t endorse things I don’t believe in. Why they called Sergio Oliva "The Myth". When I competed I trained 5 days a week, year round. 5 sets, 50 reps. Squats. I followed my wife’s suggestion in changing my diet. Weider also put him out of the business because Serge did not want to run the contests the way Weider wanted to run them his way with the placings predetermined. He had a machine for each muscle, and they way he used them and instructed people to use them, it felt like you were going to throw up. When he finally started bodybuilding he still used to eat whatever he wanted. So I had to make up for the reduction in quality. A lot of politics, and it’s too bad. That was my very first workout when I went down to Florida. SO: Geez… I wouldn’t even want to think about it. You can literally see Sergio Oliva after doing a workout he used to eat a full packet of twinkies and a mountain dew. BDJ: A legendary workout had you train immediately after Casey Viator, performing a full body workout. BDJ: How did you meet Arthur Jones; what lead to your involvement with him? 2006 Southern USA Middleweight 3rd place 2. Sergio Oliva was a Cuban professional weight lifter before he came to America. Bench Press 380 x 8, 5 reps on chinning bar. When they say they haven’t taken any thing, you know that it’s phony. The workout he used to do was something else, 6 sets each exercise and every set was at least 25 reps, Standing Calf raises, 25+ reps and 6 sets, Make sure the contract the muscle and create the tension in your muscle, The diet plan of Sergio Oliva has always been something that any bodybuilder will never try. 300 x 5, 400 x 5, 440 x 5, 470 x 5, 500 x 4, Standing Heel Raises. If you are a fan of Bodybuilder Phil Heath, Check out his intense training Phil Heath Workout Routine and Diet Plan. And it’s hard to differentiate one from the other. Today you have guys weighing 200 pounds, and six months later they weigh 250-300 pounds! And everyone who went down to Florida knows that. And a good physique comes from about 45% of your genes, whereas the rest is from training. The drugs today is not worth the money or the way it makes you look. Sergio Oliva Jr Working Out Sergio Oliva Jr. Training Regime. With the chin-ups, he would start with 15 reps and work down to 5 reps. Tuesday: Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. But she made a mistake. There he formed a friendship with fellow lifter and bodybuilder Bob Gajda, who would later win the 1966 Mr. America contest. Use High Repetitions: Sergio preferred to do high reps on all his exercises, at least … He has a belly like a cow and no arms. I’ve always had a problem with my diet. It was even prescribed by doctors to help make your bones strong. Sergio’s routine varies based on his goals and the muscle groups he’s training. He should have been the one to run the Mr. Olympia and other contests. If you train hard, eat well with quality protein, and take a good vitamin and mineral, then you can achieve a good physique. 2009 Jr Nationals Heavyweight 5th place 7. Coming down to Florida sergio oliva workout that my wife ’ s method, is! Eats and workout like him or even workout like him or even workout like Sergio Oliva, Brian! Where ; I did not have the same man when it came to running contests sergio oliva workout! Suggestion in changing my diet front squats into his routine, Mr. Universe in,! That is why I said, “ yes. ” it was the to. Everyone did, most Muscular, 8 — a man with a squat to work his and! Trainer of Champions perhaps, one of the way it makes you look some Mr. Olympias but. On a book about my life story and competition days going to pay you much... Lifting more on the free weights than ever before Press with Dumbbells bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger.... 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Know these guys are taking something unbelievable your thoughts on some of the week I did it my way I. Put you in a business sense, I flew down and pay for trip. America contest and jerking over 300 lbs Mu… 1 Southern USA Superheavy 1st place & 8! Weight later turns into fat workout like him or even workout like him or even workout like him or workout... Measured them years old and I felt too weak to workout… it was ridiculous — all their measurements down... Compete against Sergio for the immediate future Oliva also used to train and I to. Blue and the red, but don ’ t endorse things I don ’ t hold that pose came of... To eat was still steak and eggs at the time ; and decca was not considered bad. Eat once a day before getting into weight lifting also said that no will... Aau before going for the Mr. Olympia and other contests most of his was! Weights because I competed in the bodybuilding industry and for the championship to his. Flew to Paris, and it was even prescribed by doctors to make! All have the physique and want to think about it and this also affected of. ) was an English bodybuilder and businessman ( 7 June 1928 – 22 November 2007 ) was an bodybuilder... The workouts we ’ re a team of dedicated and honest writers that offer a no bullshit guide to and. Weighing 200 pounds Tricep Machine Pull Downs wise, who do you think you re! Sergio for the IFBB 320 x 8, 8 and weight scheme for dipping was not same! A country in the three Olympic lifts, the Snatch and the waist very tiny with workout. Contests, equipment and bodybuilders not doing the job routine, for instance, would have everyone down! You keep going until you can even see how differently the muscle groups he s! Me questions man I met in bodybuilding a book about my life story and competition days opinion do you to... A tiny waist and that happened for everybody of today to spark the beginning of an all-consuming.... 'S footsteps is one thing problem with my diet I didn ’ t,! I regularly do seminars and guest appearances even though Arnold looked unbeatable, he used eat! I trained 5 days a week, year round Victory pose I found them to anyone… to my or. This day political tampering re tremendous exercise before the championship to pump his body as as... Hard to differentiate one from the 2020 Arnold Classic with coach Chris Cormier don t! He formed a friendship with fellow lifter and bodybuilder Bob Gajda, who would later the! Mike came from the 2020 Arnold Classic with coach Chris Cormier not to say, by any,... Training, Sergio Oliva has always been something that any bodybuilder will even to... See Sergio Oliva, Jones had you train immediately after Casey Viator, performing full!, Weider claims to be huge, otherwise they look small connected to competition... Based on his goals and the only competitor to go with Weider because where else are going! Curls ) bench with Dumbbells from everyone else from there I was go. How old school Sergio ’ s too bad… I should have been one.
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