For most of his life James was the spokesman of the conservative Anglican courtiers, who believed that his views on monarchy and Parliament coincided with theirs, who found his formal and humourless nature more congenial than Charles’s slippery geniality, and who respected his frank acknowledgment of his religious beliefs. While abroad, James fought with both the French and Spanish armies. µ! In March 1689 James landed in Ireland, and a Parliament summoned to Dublin acknowledged him as king. James II was the last British Stuart king in the direct line. who is James II? what religion is he? In 1686 the division between the king and his former allies, the Anglican Tories, deepened. Although their father James, Duke of York, was Roman Catholic, Mary and her younger sister, Anne, were raised as Anglicans at the behest of their uncle, King Charles II.Charles lacked legitimate children, making Mary second in the line of succession. James also dissolved Parliament in 1687, afterwards reforming the government so as to reduce the power of the nobility. Christianity shouldn’t be a religion but a relationship and first of all, a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. By 1678 James’s Roman Catholicism had created a climate of hysteria in which the fabricated tale of a Popish Plot to assassinate Charles and put his brother on the throne was generally believed. On 31 December 1660, following his brother's restoration, James was created Duke of Albanyin Scotland, to go along with his English title, Duke of York. The King also provoked opposition by his policies relating to the HYPERLINK "" \o "University of Oxford" University of Oxford. ı On February 12, 1689, the Convention Parliament declared that James had abdicated and the next day offered the crown to William and Mary. James II succeeded his brother, Charles II, as king of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1685 and was deposed by the Glorious Revolution in 1688. Neither Charles II nor James II could be called bigots. I don’t believe God wants any more religious people. This, together with the defection of his daughter Anne, finally shattered his nerve. After the restoration of his brother Charles II to the English throne in 1660, James was created duke of Albany. F! He became daily more absorbed in his devotions, and his more aggressive supporters soon came to regard him as something of a liability. 1669. Charles II died quite suddenly of an illness, and his son James, Duke of Monmouth, started a rebellion in the hope of becoming the next king. Following Anne Hyde’s death in 1671, he married Mary of Modena a 15 year old Italian Catholic princess. He offended Anglicans by allowing Catholics to hold important positions in HYPERLINK "" \o "Christ Church, Oxford" Christ Church and HYPERLINK "" \o "University College, Oxford" University College, two of Oxford's largest colleges. In 1687 James intensified his Roman Catholic policy and dismissed his Anglican brothers-in-law the earl of Clarendon and the earl of Rochester. Even more unpopularly, he dismissed the Protestant Fellows of HYPERLINK "" \o "Magdalen College, Oxford" Magdalen College, appointing a wholly Roman Catholic board in their place. After being overthrown, James II attempted to regain his throne by invading Ireland and was repulsed in the Battle of the Boyne, still celebrated by Protestants in Northern Ireland. But his Irish-French army was defeated by William at the Boyne (July 1 [July 11, New Style], 1690), and he returned to France. The English people distrusted Catholicism and regarded the new Duchess of York as an agent of the HYPERLINK "" \o "Pope" Pope. He received at his court the HYPERLINK "" \o "Papal nuncio" papal nuncio, HYPERLINK "" \o "Ferdinando d'Adda" Ferdinando d'Adda, the first representative from Rome to London since the reign of HYPERLINK "" \o "Mary I of England" Mary I. James's HYPERLINK "" \o "Society of Jesus" Jesuit confessor, HYPERLINK "" \o "Father Edward Petre" Edward Petre, was a particular object of Protestant ire. The Duke of York wisely decided to leave England for HYPERLINK "" \o "Brussels" Brussels. The Glorious Revolution that overthrew him also permanently established Parliament as the ruling power in England. He was then removed by order of Parliament to St. James’s Palace, from which he escaped to the Netherlands in April 1648. Pepys had long since ended the copious diary he had kept during the 1660s While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Joining the French army in April 1652, he served in four campaigns under the great French general the vicomte de Turenne, who commended his courage and ability. If there’s no repentance and faith, then there’s no way to have a relationship with God. 2! Magdalen College, Oxford, was given over for the use of Roman Catholics, and a papal nuncio was officially accredited to St. James’s Palace. Omissions? This was to be his last taste of active military command until 1688. ! By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. ĞÏࡱá > şÿ Y [ şÿÿÿ X ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿì¥Á ` ø¿ >5 bjbjæ‡æ‡ .L „í „í ³, Š ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ¤ Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø ì 4 James VI and I (James Stuart) (June 19, 1566 – March 27, 1625), King of Scots, King of England, and King of Ireland, faced many complicated religious challenges during his reigns in Scotland and England.. James, in fact, was always more favourable to the Anglican church than was his Protestant brother. 1668. or. By training and inclination, James was basically a Calvinist; by conviction, he was an early ecumenicalist whose religious expectations frequently exceeded the possible. James’s distrust of his subjects, conceived in the turbulent 1670s, was at once sharpened. 43–4, 52. In the collusive case of HYPERLINK "" \o "Godden v. Hales" Godden v. Hales, a panel of judges of the HYPERLINK "" \o "King's Bench" Court of King's Bench were coerced by the King into declaring that the King could dispense with the religious restrictions imposed by the Test Acts. William of Orange, later William III of England and William II of Scotland (1650-1702), a protestant, landed in England in 1688 to take the throne after an invitation from the English protestant nobility, dissatisfied with the catholic James II. Grab a copy of our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! He was defeated by the royal army, which supported Charles's brother James. Monmouth was executed at the HYPERLINK "" \o "Tower of London" Tower of London soon afterwards. SURVEY . ¶! James’s second wife, Mary of Modena, was Roman Catholic, and their son was James Edward, the Old Pretender. Source: HYPERLINK "" R � ‘ Ê Ë Ï Ğ Ô Õ C D Ó Ô A commission for ecclesiastical causes was established to administer James’s powers as supreme governor of the Anglican church, and its first act was to suspend Henry Compton, bishop of London, one of the most outspoken critics of royal policy. Charles, whose popularity was very high at the time, allowed the Duke of York to return to England in HYPERLINK "" \o "1682" 1682. James, however, faced the HYPERLINK "" \o "Monmouth Rebellion" Monmouth Rebellion (led by Charles II's illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth). Controversially, James accredited the HYPERLINK "" \o "Nuncio" Papal Nuncio and granted public offices to four Catholic bishops. Later that year, his first wife having died, he gave further offense by marrying a Roman Catholic princess, Mary of Modena. Mary was a Protestant.She became queen after the Glorious Revolution, which resulted in the deposition of her Roman Catholic father, James II and VII.Mary ruled together with her husband, William III and II.He became the ruler of both countries when she died in 1694. Britain's last Stuart and last Catholic monarch, he granted religious minorities the right to worship. Some commentators have called Charles’ reign the worst in English history. He attempted to flee to France but was intercepted in Kent; 12 days later, on December 23, he was allowed to escape. Charles II feared that a weakened England was now likely to be invaded by the French. James IV was the most successful of all the Stewart rulers of Scotland. During the English Civil Wars he lived at Oxford—from October 1642 until the city surrendered in June 1646. Samuel Pepys and ' Discourses touching Religion under James II* In the mid-i68os, Samuel Pepys was at the summit of his career. answer choices . Jesus rebuke… Despite the concession, fears of a Catholic monarch persisted, intensified by the failed pregnancies of Charles II's wife, HYPERLINK "" \o "Catherine of Braganza" Catherine of Braganza. The Scots Parliament followed suit in May. Whigs. He welcomed the prospect of England’s reentering the European war on the side of the Dutch; and he consented to the marriage of his elder daughter, Mary, to the Protestant William of Orange in 1677. Charles II also insisted that James’s daughters, Mary and Anne, be raised in the Protestant faith. he was catholic. e! (It is unclear if James issued the Declaration to gain the political support of the dissenters, or if he was truly committed to the principle of HYPERLINK "" \o "Freedom of religion" freedom of religion). William sailed under cover of the general war that had by then broken out in Europe, evaded the English fleet, and landed at Brixham on Tor Bay on November 5 (November 15, New Style), 1688. Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury. Spanning the centuries from Hammurabi to Hume, and collecting material on topics from art and economics to law and political theory, the OLL provides you with a rich variety of texts to explore and consider. In HYPERLINK "" \o "1677" 1677, the Duke of York attempted to appease Protestants by allowing his daughter, Mary, to marry the Protestant Prince of Orange, HYPERLINK "" \o "William III" William III (who was also his nephew). (The Exclusion Bill crisis contributed to the development of the English two-party system; the HYPERLINK "" \o "Whig" Whigs were those who supported the Bill, whilst the HYPERLINK "" \o "Tory" Tories were those who opposed it.) Meanwhile, on June 10, in slightly mysterious circumstances, the queen gave birth to a son. But when it resisted his wishes to exempt Catholics from the restrictions of the Test Act, James adjourned it in November. In 1682 he returned to England and resumed the leadership of the Anglican Tories, whose power in local government was reestablished and increased by the “remodeling” of the borough corporations and the government of the counties in their favour. ş Religious tension intensified in HYPERLINK "" \o "1686" 1686. Updates? Tough-mindedness positively rejects tender-mindedness’s hypothesis of an eternal perfect edition of the universe coexisting with our finite experience. [Before he became King, James was known as the Duke of York] The Duke of York was admitted to the Roman Catholic Church in. ` a s t ³ ´ ) * K L f g ¦ § ® ¯ Ù Ú 1! This last act of policy provoked a quarrel between king and Parliament, which was prorogued in November 1685, never to meet again. B. London, Oct. 14, 1633; d. St. Germain, France, Sept. 6, 1701. For almost a thousand years, Rome influenced the Church of England; Catholicism infiltrating and affecting just about every aspect of life: trade, contracts, marriage etc. The Treaty of Rijswijk between England and France (1697) removed his last hopes of restoration. James resigned all of his offices in 1673 rather than take an anti-Catholic oath imposed by the so-called Test Act and thus made his position known publicly. After the execution of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587, Elizabeth’s probable heir became James VI of Scotland, Mary’s son. For hundreds of years the French were seen as England's main European rivals. James II was the second surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. In return for an annual gift to the king of 40 beaver skins, the duke of York and his resident board of governors were given extraordinary discretion…. Nevertheless, in HYPERLINK "" \o "1673" 1673, he allowed York (whose first wife had died in HYPERLINK "" \o "1671" 1671) to marry the Catholic HYPERLINK "" \o "Mary of Modena" Mary of Modena. In the subsequent “campaign,” James’s Protestant officers deserted to the enemy in such large numbers that he dared not commit the army to a pitched battle. By 1684 James’s influence on state policy was paramount, and when he finally came to the throne on February 6, 1685, with very little overt opposition or even criticism, it seemed likely that the strong support of the Anglicans would make him one of the most powerful of the 17th-century British kings. The new royalist Parliament that assembled in May 1685 voted James a large income, and there seemed to be no reason why he should not in time secure adequate toleration for his coreligionists. So far, his reign had made only modest contributions to England’s commercial advancement. In Ireland James had shown none of his former military ability, and he now aged rapidly, falling increasingly under the influence of his pietistic wife. On the death of Charles II, in 1685, the Duke succeeded, under the title of James II., and, from the time of his ascending the throne, seems to have acted with a steady determination to render himself absolute, and to restore the Roman Catholic religion. 8 l 4 Nicholas Hayward marketed Brenttown to English Catholics after the Glorious Revolution eliminated most political reasons for French Protestants to leave England. That revolution, engendered by James’s Roman Catholicism, permanently established Parliament as the ruling power of England. l Both before and after marriage he had the reputation of being as great a libertine as his brother. ÿøüÿ a$gd›$ ³4 =5 ıı C D \ ] ª « ¹ º X Y ] ^ c d � � ¢ £ ! " James was crowned at HYPERLINK "" \o "Westminster Abbey" Westminster Abbey on HYPERLINK "" \o "April 23" 23 April 1685. He commanded the fleet in the opening campaigns of the Second and Third Dutch wars. In HYPERLINK "" \o "1680" 1680, the Duke of York was appointed Lord High Commissioner of Scotland and took up his residence at the HYPERLINK "" \o "Holyrood Palace" Palace of Holyroodhouse in HYPERLINK "" \o "Edinburgh" Edinburgh. He was formally created duke of York in January 1644. James, second son of Charles I and the French princess Henrietta Maria, was baptized a Protestant; he spent most of the Civil War in Oxford as duke of york. Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Distinguished Professor of Early Modern British History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1987–94. When his brother Charles II concluded an alliance with Spain against France in 1656 he reluctantly changed sides, and he commanded the right wing of the Spanish army at the Battle of the Dunes in June 1658. And he gave us a dazzling interlude whose fruits can still be enjoyed today. Although James was the heir presumptive, it seemed unlikely that he would inherit the Crown, as Charles was still a young man capable of fathering children. Whereas England was a Protestant nation, France had always remained loyal to the Catholic faith. In 1669, James converted to Catholicism and took a stand against a number of anti-Catholic moves, including the Test Act of 1673. c Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. But in 1668 or 1669 he was admitted to the Roman Catholic Church, though on his brother’s insistence he continued to take the Anglican sacraments until 1672, and he attended Anglican services until 1676. James I (aragon), James I (James the Conqueror), 1208–76, king of Aragón and count of Barcelona (1213–76), son and successor of Peter II. The fabricated plot caused a wave of anti-Catholic hysteria to sweep across the nation. These policies caused the King to lose the support of his former allies, the Tories. He was baptised by the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury William Laud, a faithful supporter of his father's religious policy. ... All had suffered in turn under the various Acts for the regulation of religion which the reign of Charles had seen passed in England, the Catholics perhaps least of all, for Ormonde’s government had been, under Charles’s direction, a lenient one. By September William’s intentions were obvious, but James declined Louis XIV’s offer of assistance for fear of the reaction in England; in any case he was confident in the ability of his forces to repel invasion. Catholic. Å! After the dissolution of the Parliament of 1681, no further Parliaments were called. James II, also called (1644–85) duke of York and (1660–85) duke of Albany, (born October 14, 1633, London, England—died September 5/6 [September 16/17, New Style], 1701, Saint-Germain, France), king of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1685 to 1688, and the last Stuart monarch in the direct male line. During this crisis James spent long periods in exile at Brussels and Edinburgh. Early Years of James II. His placement of Catholic allies in high positions in the court and army, coupled with the birth of his son, alarmed the Anglican establishment, who invited the Protestant William of Orange and his wife, James’s daughter Mary, to invade, resulting in the Glorious Revolution. James, the second son of King Charles I and Henrietta Maria, was born in St. James' Palace, a royal residence in London, in 1633. After a minority was disturbe… James Iv, James IV James IV (1473–1513), king of Scots (1488–1513). Both Charles’ grandfather James I (VI of Scotland) and father Charles I had displayed overconfident contempt for Parliament. But, I recently learned that James II and VII (just one person, two titles) was the last Roman Catholic monarch of England, Ireland, and Scotland (on the Wikipedia page for him), and he reigned in the late 1680s. Even just looking on the Wikipedia page for Anglicanism, it seems as though it was fairly well established by the 1680s, especially since Henry VIII reigned in the early 1500s. who supported Parliament's attempt to try to exclude James II from throne? Despite the lack of popular support for Monmouth, James began to distrust his subjects. James then ordered the suspension of HYPERLINK "" \o "Henry Compton" Henry Compton, the anti-Catholic HYPERLINK "" \o "Bishop of London" Bishop of London; several other Anglicans in political office were dismissed. A defrocked Anglican clergyman, HYPERLINK "" \o "Titus Oates" Titus Oates, falsely spoke of a " HYPERLINK "" \o "Popish Plot" Popish Plot" to kill Charles and put the Duke of York on the Throne. Online Library of Liberty The OLL is a curated collection of scholarly works that engage with vital questions of liberty. What those wishes were is still not clear: some of his utterances suggest a genuine belief in religious toleration as a matter of principle; others point to the establishment of Roman Catholicism as the dominant if not the exclusive religion of the state. During the 17th century, the whole of Europe was inflamed with war and under a constant struggle to establish a unified church under a unified empire. Tags: Question 4 . One of the reasons for this constant conflict concerned the subject of religion. He was succeeded by his brother, who reigned in England and Ireland as James II, and in Scotland as James VII. A century before the Glorious Revolution, England, under the rule of King Henry VIII adopted it’s own form of Catholicism namely Anglicism. �EÄIÏÅ 4 Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). They feared the Pope would come to England. James II (1633-1701) was king of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1685 to 1688. Charles II - Charles II - Foreign policy: Charles cleared himself by dismissing his old adviser, Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon, and tried to assert himself through a more adventurous foreign policy. James II. E! William’s generals reconquered Ireland the following year. His father was Charles I (who was executed in 1649) and his mother was Henrietta Maria. After a number of them had been replaced, the judges of King’s Bench in the collusive action Godden v. Hales found in favour of the king’s power to excuse individuals from the Test Oath; Roman Catholics were admitted to the Privy Council and subsequently to the high offices of state. His judges—most notably, HYPERLINK "" \o "George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys" George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys (the "Hanging Judge")—punished the rebels brutally., Spartacus Educational - Biography of King James II, The Home of the Royal Family - Biography of James II, Undiscovered Scotland - Biography of James VII/II, History Learning Site - Biography of James II, James II - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), James II - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). k The unexpected news that the queen was pregnant (November 1687), establishing the prospect of a Roman Catholic succession, had great effect on most Protestants; while a wholesale “remodeling” of borough corporations, lord lieutenancies, deputy lieutenancies, and magistracies that winter inflamed the majority of the nobility and gentry, whose political and social power suffered by it. ì È ¶ Ğ In the HYPERLINK "" \o "Declaration of Indulgence" Declaration of Indulgence ( HYPERLINK "" \o "1687" 1687), he suspended laws punishing Roman Catholics and other religious dissenters. They had 7 children but only two survived infancy - Mary (later Queen Mary II) and Anne (later Queen Anne). Charles II's brother and the heir to the throne, Catholic. The spark was touched off by James himself, when he reissued his Declaration of Indulgence on April 27, 1688, and on May 4 ordered it to be read in the churches. The archbishop of Canterbury and six of his bishops petitioned James to withdraw the order. His Protestant enemies in Parliament, led by HYPERLINK "" \o "Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury" Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, ensured the passage of the HYPERLINK "" \o "Test Act" Test Act; under the Act, all civil and military officials were required to take an oath (in which they were required not only to disavow the doctrine of HYPERLINK "" \o "Transubstantiation" transubstantiation, but also denounce certain practices of the Roman Catholic Church as "superstitious and idolatrous") and receive HYPERLINK "" \o "Communion" communion under the auspices of the HYPERLINK "" \o "Church of England" Church of England. Exiled in France for the second time in his life, James kept busy. @ y z ~  … † Ó Ô â ã ~  ¸ ¹ ¾ ¿ î ï ( ) / 0 ~  ¸ ¹ ½ ¾ £ ¤ İ Ş â ã é ê 7 8 F G K L … † Š ‹  à ü ı " 5 X Y ’ “ ãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵʵÊãʵ�µÊµÊ.h›$ h›$ 6�CJ OJ QJ ]�^J aJ mH sH (h›$ h›$ CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ mH sH 1j h›$ h›$ CJ OJ QJ U^J aJ mH sH 8h›$ h›$ 0J >* B* CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ mH ph ÿsH >“ — ˜ O P £ ¤ µ ¶ º » ü ı S T f g Ù Ú ' ( C D — ˜ © ª ” • Î Ï Ó Ô > ? But owing largely to his own tenacious defense of his rights, the exclusionists were defeated. | u G ˜ 0 È u L › v L u u ª L Ø ( 4 â X u n ‚ 4 4 4 m m d 4 4 4 È › › › › ì ì ì d P ä ì ì ì P ì ì ì Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø ÿÿÿÿ Religion of James II [Before he became King, James was known as the Duke of York] The Duke of York was admitted to the Roman Catholic Church in HYPERLINK "" \o "1668" 1668 or HYPERLINK "" \o "1669" 1669. Q. James II’s first wife, Anne, was Protestant (though she converted to Catholicism), and their daughters were Mary II (wife of William of Orange and queen of England) and Anne, who succeeded Mary as queen. In view of the queen’s childlessness, however, the conversion of the heir presumptive to the throne roused great alarm in the general public. York once again found himself influential in government, becoming the leader of the Tory Party; his brother restored him to the office of Lord High Admiral in HYPERLINK "" \o "1684" 1684 Reign of James II Charles died sine prole legitima (without legitimate offspring) in HYPERLINK "" \o "1685" 1685, converting to Roman Catholicism on his deathbed. In April James issued the so-called Declaration of Indulgence, suspending the laws against Roman Catholics and Protestant dissenters alike; in July he dissolved Parliament, and in September he launched an intensive campaign to win over the Protestant dissenters and with their aid secure a new Parliament more amenable to his wishes. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Ever since the spring of 1687 many English leaders had been in touch with William of Orange, the husband of the heiress presumptive Mary and the champion of Protestant Europe against Louis XIV of France. b When, in HYPERLINK "" \o "1679" 1679, the HYPERLINK "" \o "Exclusion Bill" Exclusion Bill was in danger of passing, Charles II dissolved Parliament. James was born on October 14th 1633. Author... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. M. Knights, ‘“Meer Religion” and the “Church-State” of Restoration England: The Impact and Ideology of James II’s Declarations of Indulgence’, in A. Houston and S. Pincus, eds., A Nation Transformed: England after the Restoration (Cambridge, 2001), pp. At first, there was little overt opposition to the new Sovereign; many conservative Anglicans even supported him. His daughters were raised as Protestants but, influenced by his time in France and Spain, James converted to Catholicism in 1670. Parliament and the heir to the new Parliament which assembled in May 1685 seemed favourable to James in!, who reigned in England and France ( 1697 ) removed his last hopes of.! European rivals the universe coexisting with our finite experience submitted and determine whether to the! Last British Stuart king in the turbulent 1670s, was Roman Catholic princess, Mary of Modena was!, Lawrence, 1987–94 the 1660s Neither Charles II also insisted that James s. 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Elizabeth Hall Distinguished Professor of early Modern British History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1987–94 Scotland. French Protestants to leave England your inbox and faith, then there s! Removed his last hopes of restoration 1649 ) and replaced by William III Mary. Subjects, conceived in the mid-i68os, samuel Pepys was what religion was james ii once.! Despite the lack of popular support for monmouth, James kept busy know if you any!
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